Doctor Who [12]

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by malickfan Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:26 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:Horses for courses Malick- I stopped watching 10 because I couldn't stand the RTD deux ex machina and the awful 10th Doctor (90% of the time awful anyway)

Well, in fairness I only continued to watch Tennant during the specials, because he was soon leaving, I figured I've sat through him so far, there isn't much more to suffer through (not to say I didn't enjoy his storylines, I just grew rather bored by the smug stroppy teenager that was 10...Smith had the opposite problem, Brilliant Doctor rubbish storylines purely my opinion of course.) Laughing

Moffat has yet to do something as appallingly lame as end an entire episodes worth of set up and cliff hanger with a literal hand wave by a character

I don't know about that, Clara being cloned and scattered across the Doctors timelines somehow without being killed, the Doctor walking out of his own collapsing time steam without being killed, the moment breaking the timelock and letting in the doctors in the anniversary without explanation, the doctors coming up with some random calculations to save gallifrey off screen etc Nothing's as self indulgent as the first Tennant regeneation, but there's still tonnes of handwaving and assumptions made on the part of the viewer.

Moffat couldn't plan the War Doctor as the circumstances evolved as Eccelston didn't want to come back

You have a fair point about planning ahead...but wouldn't it have made more sense to ask Eccleston as early as possible whether he wanted to return? And not just assume he could be persuaded when he has made his stance on the show clear many times before? They actually went as far as creating pre-production storyboards with Eccleston's Doctor, and Colin Baker stated at a convention that Tennant was only available for the anniversary because he assumed he'd be asked to return-i.e they didn't even bother talking to him (or Tom Baker for that matter) or confirming he, a pivotal part of the storyline was free to film the episode! Tom Baker ended up having to phone the BBC himself to check if they still wanted him, McGann was only asked to come back for NOTD a couple of days beforehand and said in an interview Moffat was still writing the script on set, why would you introduce a brand new 'war doctor' and not even think about his origins till the last minute?

Moffat certainly has alot of scope and ideas as a writer, but I don't think budget cuts or scheduling issues can explain all the plot holes or inconsistencies...

But it doesn't mean he didn't plan or know who had done it or why- I think its clear he did- most fans had worked out for themselves already- that episode just confirmed it for most.

Well I suppose I'm to blame for my own response, having skipped half of Smith's episodes, but by the time we got an explanation I'd mostly forgotten/lost interest in the storyline anyway, it just seemed thrown in at the last minute...

The Thorin: An Unexpected Rewrite December 2012 (I was on the money apparently)
The Tauriel: Desolation of Canon December 2013 (Accurate again!)
The Sod-it! : Battling my Indifference December 2014 (You know what they say, third time's the charm)

Well, that was worth the wait wasn't it  Suspect

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:29 pm

Possibly Forest- but he did say he had watched all the Pertwee Master episodes before writing Missy- and theres a lot of them, and Moffat strikes me as quite a busy chap.

More likely regards that story line was the 'woman in the shop' who gave Clara the number was probably a multi-optional thing- where Moffat left himself open to make it one of several characters as he felt best when the time came- so it could have been River, or Missy, or Kovarian, or someone new.

That is something Moffat also clearly does- he leaves himself open possibilities with some seeded ideas, and some he never (or hasn't yet) used. That seems quite a clever way to me do deal with both having long term multi-series arcs and with dealing with all the hassles and unforeseen forced changes that serial television brings.

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:35 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:Then how do you explain Moffat being able tell Alex Kingston the plot details ahead of time if its not planned?
Your statement doesn't make any sense in light of the evidence.

Obviously small details have to be left to change as there is no way to predict the filming situation when the story comes round to that point-actors/locations ect may not be available, ideas that have come in-between might modify the outcome, some things might need rethought to fit the circumstances- but its clear Moffat seeds his story ideas well ahead of time.

To say otherwise is both to be wilfully blind to the simple facts- like telling actors what's coming up a year to even two ahead of time, or all the story arcs in Moffat era.

you are putting forward 2 wildly conflicting statements and claiming both are correct. it would be more accurate to state that Alex Kingston was informed she would be doing a particular storyline because she needed to know beforehand because of work commitments. That's ONE example of forward planning. The rest of it is winging it by the seat of their pants.
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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:38 pm

Clara being cloned and scattered across the Doctors timelines somehow without being killed- Malick

She would have died in his timestream if the Doctor had not rescued her.

As to the Doctor surviving it- nowhere does it say he should not have- the GI entering is told it will be fatal- as no one is going in to rescue him (as the Doctor says to River the difference with Clara is she has him).

So I dont see that as either a handwave or unexplained- its explained in the episode, in dialogue.

'the moment breaking the timelock and letting in the doctors in the anniversary without explanation'

The explanation given is that the Moment is the ultimate creation of the Ancients of Gallifrey- capable of opening up windows on time itself, its also drawn for its appearance all the timey-wimeyness of the Bad Wolf Rose, who was omnipotent (blame RTD for that) so again this does not seem unexplained to me- everything is there.

'the doctors coming up with some random calculations to save gallifrey off screen'

Not sure what you mean there- the plan is to freeze Gallifrey as if in a status cube in a moment of time in its own bubble universe. Thats very clearly explained.

Granted wioth Moffat |WHo you have to pay close attention, and he relies on his viewers connecting all the dots he has left rather than spelling it all out- but he always gives the information necessary to make the deduction- often ahead of the script if you are sharp enough- Heaven Sent being a classic example of that- everything you need to know to work out exactly what is going on is contained in the first 20 minutes of the episode. Most of it in the pretitles sequence. Its why his writing style is such a natural fit for a program like Sherlock.

Regards the 50th I think the fault there lies with the BBC who seem to have been very late on everything- Moffat has said at one point he didn't even officially have Matt Smith on board for it thanks to the BBC- and had actually started on a story that only featured Clara, as she was the only character he had guaranteed use of.
I think folk often confuse the roles of showrunner and the BBC executives who make all the actual decision,s sign the actors, set the contracts and have the final say. And I think fans often blame Moffat for stuff that has nothing to do with him.

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:40 pm

it would be more accurate to state that Alex Kingston was informed she would be doing a particular storyline because she needed to know beforehand because of work commitments. - Figg

No we know exactly what she was told as she has talked about it many times at conference panels- she was told who her character was, what relationship she was to Amy and Rory- Karen has joked she and Arthur used to try to get her drunk so she would spill the beans.
So we know for certain that Moffat had that story line preplanned.

There is no grey here, its perfectly clear.

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:47 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote: Moffat has yet to do something as appallingly lame as end an entire episodes worth of set up and cliff hanger with a literal hand wave by a character (using an unexplained device that had never been seen before in RTD era Who or so much as hinted at)

slap laugh oh the sublime irony of that statement, Moffat is the king of hand waving shit, just cos its cool. :clap:
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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:48 pm

Please do enlighten me as to exact times Moffat has done this- had an onscreen character quite literally undo an entire plot line and resolve an entire episode of set-up by waving a hand?

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:00 pm

Malick gave you 5 or 6 examples, but I wouldn't know where to start, its a never ending list.
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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:02 pm

Yes he did- and if you'd bothered reading my above post you'd see all those are in fact explained in episode.

Still waiting for you to give a like for like example, think I might be waiting some time.

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:17 pm

probably. I get bored quickly.
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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Nagual Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:21 pm

My fav Dr Who is the one when the crows eat all the turnips, the pigs get loose, and Sally was most upset.

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:23 pm

I think that might have been Worzel Gummidge Suspect

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:24 pm

probably. I get bored quickly.- Figg

Yes, especially when making spurious claims with no back up!

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:13 pm

Love this (but then I think Michelle Gomez is the best Master since Delgado)

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by azriel Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:25 pm

She certainly is a character ! Very Happy

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:39 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:probably. I get bored quickly.- Figg

Yes, especially when making spurious claims with no back up!

no, with playground 'who's got the biggest turnip' competitions.
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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:44 pm

Been reading through the scripts for Heaven Sent and Hell Bent on the BBC writers room site- interesting read to see what got changed between script and final product.

But I've come across what is probably my all time favourite stage direction in a script-


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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:45 pm

Missy has rolling eyed monomania which is pretty boring to watch. Simm's master had better things to do than sexually obsesses over the Doctor. But then Moffat made her a woman and we all know every woman in the Doctors orbit wants to hump him dry.
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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:53 pm

Simm's master had better things to do than sexually obsesses over the Doctor. But then Moffat made her a woman and we all know every woman in the Doctors orbit wants to hump him dry.- Figg

Rolling Eyes Its amazing what goes on in your head seeing as it obviously has nothing to do with what's in the actual episodes. It could not be made any clearer or any plainer throughout with Missy that her aim is to to get her old friend back. To get him to see things more form her point of view- its behind her entire actions with the cybermen, and its behind the entire intention with pairing him up with Clara. Sex has nothing to do with it- to quote Missy herself on the subject of sex (she could be talking directly to you in fact)-

'Oh, don't be disgusting. We're Time Lords, not animals. Try, nano-brain, to rise above the reproductive frenzy of your noisy little food chain, and contemplate friendship. A friendship older than your civilisation, and infinitely more complex.'

Of course that doesn't fit with your Moffat hates all women mantra so best you just ignore it and make something up in your head instead  Nod

(you might also like to watch the recent comic panel with Karen and Alex in which Alex, to rousing applause and cheers, praises Moffat writing of female characters, including her own. Luckily though all the women who have worked for or acted in Who are all too stupid to see what an obvious sexist Moffat is and how much he hates all women- good job women are all to thick to realise it!)

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:05 pm

This is rather fun- series 1-9 in historical order!

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:08 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:Simm's master had better things to do than sexually obsesses over the Doctor. But then Moffat made her a woman and we all know every woman in the Doctors orbit wants to hump him dry.- Figg

Rolling Eyes Its amazing what goes on in your head seeing as it obviously has nothing to do with what's in the actual episodes. It could not be made any clearer or any plainer throughout with Missy that her aim is to to get her old friend back. To get him to see things more form her point of view- its behind her entire actions with the cybermen, and its behind the entire intention with pairing him up with Clara. Sex has nothing to do with it- to quote Missy herself on the subject of sex (she could be talking directly to you in fact)-

'Oh, don't be disgusting. We're Time Lords, not animals. Try, nano-brain, to rise above the reproductive frenzy of your noisy little food chain, and contemplate friendship. A friendship older than your civilisation, and infinitely more complex.'

she says: while grabbing him by the Dalek balls and giving his nose a good sucking.
Rolling Eyes

Of course that doesn't fit with your Moffat hates all women mantra so best you just ignore it and make something up in your head instead  Nod

unfortunately it does fit, as does her jealousy of Clara. She acts like the stereotypical bunny boiler.

(you might also like to watch the recent comic panel with Karen and Alex in which Alex, to rousing applause and cheers, praises Moffat writing of female characters, including her own.

That's called sucking up to your boss. I don't want to watch the clip its probably cringeworthy.

Luckily though all the women who have worked for or acted in Who are all too stupid to see what an obvious sexist Moffat is and how much he hates all women- good job women are all to thick to realise it!)

You mean like all the 'thick' women who over the years have voiced their disquiet and concern over the explicit sexism of moffats female characters only to be silenced by misogyngistic fanboys and Moffat apologists? not to mention ridiculed by the man himself?

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:28 pm

while grabbing him by the Dalek balls and giving his nose a good sucking.- Figg

This is what I mean by stuff in your head not on screen- she never does the former, ever, and she only does the latter once whilst pretending to be someone else to throw him off, knowing how uncomfortable it would make him- if you want the Master and the Doctor flirting you need only watch Simm and Tennant together.

And of course it means you are ignoring everything that actually happens or is said, such as the above dialogue or in Death in Heaven where she explicitly gives her reason- "I just want my friend back!"
But hey you've never stopped in the past from preferring your own made up stuff over the actual episode content so why start now.

'unfortunately it does fit, as does her jealousy of Clara. She acts like the stereotypical bunny boiler.'

Again in your head- none of this is on screen- its Missy who chooses Clara as companion and sets them up to meet. She has a ball with Clara in the Witches Familiar, there is not a single hint of jealousy in their relationship- god knows how you managed to come up with that one.

'That's called sucking up to your boss. I don't want to watch the clip its probably cringeworthy.'

Except only Alex still works for him. Any of the other female actors, or production managers, or script editors or directors, or producers that have worked on the show in the Moffat era could easily have come forward in all this time if they believed it- the reason they don't is they don't think he is, simple.

And I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear Alex- after all why take the view of a woman who has worked in the acting industry on both sides of the Pond in major hit shows and been at her craft for decades, when you take the word of a bunch of folk online looking for stuff to moan about who have never so much as met the man, let alone worked for him.

' not to mention ridiculed by the man himself?'

Moffat on accusations of sexism-

'"It's a complicated issue. I never quite know how to respond. The general point being made by these people is correct. We need better female role models on screen."

Yeah chock full of ridicule there Rolling Eyes

Or perhaps Karen Gillans views on it, post the show when she has no reason to do anything other than answer honestly-

"I just don't understand that. "I feel like [with Amy Pond] I had a very rounded, interesting, flawed and layered character to play. I wore skirts but Steven Moffat had nothing to do with that. He doesn't care about costumes. So I don't really understand [the criticism] if I've got to be honest."

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:36 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:while grabbing him by the Dalek balls and giving his nose a good sucking.- Figg

This is what I mean by stuff in your head not on screen- she never does the former, ever, and she only does the latter once whilst pretending to be someone else to throw him off, knowing how uncomfortable it would make him- if you want the Master and the Doctor flirting you need only watch Simm and Tennant together.

And of course it means you are ignoring everything that actually happens or is said, such as the above dialogue or in Death in Heaven where she explicitly gives her reason- "I just want my friend back!"
But hey you've never stopped in the past from preferring your own made up stuff over the actual episode content so why start now.

'unfortunately it does fit, as does her jealousy of Clara. She acts like the stereotypical bunny boiler.'

Again in your head- none of this is on screen- its Missy who chooses Clara as companion and sets them up to meet. She has a ball with Clara in the Witches Familiar, there is not a single hint of jealousy in their relationship- god knows how you managed to come up with that one.

'That's called sucking up to your boss. I don't want to watch the clip its probably cringeworthy.'

Except only Alex still works for him. Any of the other female actors, or production managers, or script editors or directors, or producers that have worked on the show in the Moffat era could easily have come forward in all this time if they believed it- the reason they don't is they don't think he is, simple.

And I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear Alex- after all why take the view of a woman who has worked in the acting industry on both sides of the Pond in major hit shows and been at her craft for decades, when you take the word of a bunch of folk online looking for stuff to moan about who have never so much as met the man, let alone worked for him.

' not to mention ridiculed by the man himself?'

Moffat on accusations of sexism-

'"It's a complicated issue. I never quite know how to respond. The general point being made by these people is correct. We need better female role models on screen."

Yeah chock full of ridicule there  Rolling Eyes  

Or perhaps Karen Gillans views on it, post the show when she has no reason to do anything other than answer honestly-

"I just don't understand that. "I feel like [with Amy Pond] I had a very rounded, interesting, flawed and layered character to play. I wore skirts but Steven Moffat had nothing to do with that. He doesn't care about costumes. So I don't really understand [the criticism] if I've got to be honest."

well if Amy Pond denies sexism, its game over. slap laugh
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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:48 pm

So now your argument is Karen Gillan is too stupid to notice when she is being used by a writer for purposes of sexism and misogyny- yeah- sure   Rolling Eyes  (and to that list you have to include- Denise Paul (producer) Tracie Simpson (current Producer) Rachel Talalay (director- including such feminist icons as Tank Girl in her repertoire) Catherine Morshead (director) Hettie MacDonald (director) Ashley Way (director) Alex Kingston (actor) Jenna Coleman (actor) Neve Macintosh (actor) Catrin Stweart (actor) Jenna Redgrave (actor) Masie Williams (actor) Carey Mulligan (actor) Claire Skinner (actor) and an accompanying list of female actors longer than your arm and definitely too long to type out.

All apparently too stupid to notice the evil Moffat using them for his own misogynistic ends! Yeah, of course they all are. Rolling Eyes

But if you'd rather take the opinions of a bunch of interneters with an axe to grind over, you know, everyone who has ever worked for Moffat or on one of his shows, or known him, then knock yourself out.

(Also odd how you accuse Moffat of talking down and ridiculing those who accuse him- yet you are quick to put down, belittle or bad mouth any actress who has worked for him and defends his writing- odd that- almost like you are the very thing you accuse him of being!)

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Doctor Who [12] - Page 19 Empty Re: Doctor Who [12]

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:08 pm

(Also odd how you accuse Moffat of talking down and ridiculing those who accuse him- yet you are quick to put down, belittle or bad mouth any actress who has worked for him and defends his writing- odd that- almost like you are the very thing you accuse him of being!)

slap laugh you have flipped your shit. You bad mouth me and become the very thing you accuse me of. delusional.
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