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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:49 pm

Having written several Dr Who episodes in the past plus head writer for Torchwood for 2 seasons, his credentials are fairly impeccable- Halfy

{{I cant comment on his Broadchurch stuff as I have never seen it- but his Who episodes prior to taking over, well not exactly bad they were all considered in general by fandom as, ok. Chibbers was the safe pair of hands you went for when you needed a filler episode of bog-standard uncomplicated box-ticking Who- which is why a lot of folk have been uncertain of him since the beginning of him getting showrunner. It wasn't clear cut like with Moffat, who out of all the hired writers in RTD era stood out as having a huge hit episode with every episode he wrote- Chibnals track record on Who was never that- he was the meh, was ok guy- nobody would think to put 42 or Hungry Earth up for an award, they never turn up in those top twenty best episodes of Who lists.

And Torchwood got a very mixed reception- particularly its first two series when it struggled badly to find its tone and feet, and when Chibnal did all his writing for it. And he wasn't exactly head writer, not like on Who, RTD and Julie Gardener were the actual show-runners for Torchwood and its creators, same team as did NuWho series 1-4, the show was RTD's baby and RTD was still there to the end of series 4. And it was never as big or as popular as Who's (and RTD's) other spin off show of the time the Sarah Jane Adventures aimed at the younger audience of Who.
Chibbers was also responsible for writing the Cyberwoman episode Mad Generally considered one of the worst episodes of anything Who related n TV.

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Torchwood did ok as a spin-off show ratings and popularity wise, fluctuating pretty wildly though in tone and quality and press reaction episode to episode, but it was not until series 3 it really got broad fan and press praise - the mini-series Children of Earth- which was the first one Chibnal had nothing to do with and was written by RTD.

So whilst certainly Chibbers has a track record- not sure Halfy I'd use the word 'impeccable' to describe it so much as his record is just, there.}}

Last edited by Pettytyrant101 on Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:23 pm; edited 4 times in total

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:14 pm

{{The Radio Times review doesn't hold its punches!-}}

'The Tsuranga Conundrum is just like a trip to A&E. I was rushed in, struggled to remain conscious while an unpleasant lump was removed, was only partly reassured by a junior doctor, and I’m now so relieved it’s all over and hope never to return.'- RT

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Mrs Figg Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:39 pm

This episode didn't work as sci-fi and it didn't work as character led soap opera, it just felt like a bunch of the most boring bland clichés thrown together. it was phoned in. There was a lot of standing around spouting tedious family relations stuff, lots of running down corridors, and lots of bland dialogue with some badly dressed girl who calls herself The Doctor but really isn't.
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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:50 pm

it was phoned in.- Figg

{{Completely agree Figg- and that's hugely worrying only 5 episodes in to his era. As I said before both RTD and Moffat when they finally got the chance to take over were bursting with ideas and stories they had wanted to tell for years, sometimes for decades. How can Chibnal be out of good stories he wants to tell as soon as he starts?!

And if the rumours in the press of no Xmas day episode, still not shot down by the BBC, are true then the official reason is that Chibbers has 'run out of ideas for xmas episodes' even though he has never actually written one yet!!! But on the basis of the tits-up conundrum I can actually believe he has run out of ideas - there isn't a single good solid idea in this entire episode Mad }}

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Mrs Figg Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:53 pm

I miss the tingle down the spine Bad Wolf music, I miss characters like Donna, I  miss feeling excited to sit down and watch the opening credits.  Crying or Very sad I wanted to like the new Doctor and I had an open mind, but for me the magic is gone. Hopefully Chibnal and 13 will be one season only. The cowardice of the BBC is weird when you think of all the talent that's out there. They need to stop with the pc pandering and just make exciting sci-fi stories.
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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:11 am

{{The BBC have always been weird about anything sci-fi Figg- they never like it, look down their noses at it and never treat it well.
If any other network had a hit show on their hands with the global market of Who (the top exported tv show from the UK- bigger than all Cowells talent shows, or Downton, or Black Mirror- Who leads the pack) you would expect the BBC to take care of it- but no first they cant find a showrunner for it, then when they do they cant get him place in time causing an stillentire year of no Who bar a xmas special, then the BBC arent ready with the new team in time to take over even then, so Moffat has to come back, again, and do series 10, then there isn't going to be a xmas episode so Moffat has to rewrite the end of his run to write it too, and now we hear Chibbers isn't bothering with a xmas day episode anyway, something the BBC must have known when Moffat came back to do last years at a pinch (and with only a couple of weeks to write it in they messed it up so bad). And strongly rumoured now that there will be no Who next year either as the BBC have screwed up the production times of it and it won't start filming now early enough in the year for an autumn 2019 broadcast, so it'll probably be 2020.

But then was same with stuff like Red Dwarf- found they had a hit on their hands but the BBC snobs hated it- now its made and shown on Dave because the BBC hated it so much they just stopped making it, even when its was just as popular. And when it was at its height of popularity on the BBC they never funded it, they stuck it on at weird times and on their b channels. They hate scifi.
Ive long been of the opinion the BBC actually hate having Who as their flagship program, they are embarrassed to be represented by sci-fi. Always have been. }}}

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Mrs Figg Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:25 pm

I don't think they hate it but they don't seem to want to nurture its heritage, and the producers seem to have a stranglehold over the writing. maybe that's down to the clubby atmosphere where only those in the boys club are allowed the power to experiment. obviously RTD, Moffat and Gatiss were in the club but loved Who so good things happened, but Chibnal doesn't seem the right man for the job and he seems to want to write lots of episodes instead of asking actual sci-fi/fantasy writers. Neil Gaiman said he really regretted one of his episodes because of outside interference watering down his vision, so people like that are reluctant to write for Who which is a shame. Chibnal seems like a second rate Gatiss at the moment.
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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:40 pm

{{Regards Gaiman that was Nightmare in Silver he was on about- and I think he understood why it happened, it was more one of those things due to production and mainly was around the fact he wrote a story for Victorian Clara and her two wards that then had to be hastily rewritten when the BBC higher ups insisted the companion be contemporary not historical. He did say after that he really wanted to write for 12, and having not been able to due other commitments (American Gods mainly) regrets he never got the chance- so I'm sure he would still jump at the chance to write more Who- if he can ever fit it in again and if he is asked. And his first episode- The Doctors Wife was very well received and is a bit of a fan favourite.

I think Chibbers deciding to write 4 of the first 5 episodes plus co-write the other one was a mistake, but then I would have assumed he would have come in with a plan for those episodes and lots of ideas for them, which he doesn't seem to have had at all going on the evidence so far.
And there were other quality Who writers already on the books he could have called on- Jamie Maitheson who wrote Mummy on the Orient Express and Flatline, Tom Macrae who wrote the Girl Who Waited, Toby Whitehouse who wrote quite a few over the years, he could even have brought back Robert Shearman who wrote Dalek or Paul Cornall who gave us Family of Blood, not to mention the cream of the BF writers- there are plenty of writers out there who know how to write the Doctor and could have helped here- presumably they are all too white and male for the new writing team though, experience be damned.  Mad }}

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by azriel Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:30 pm

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Mrs Figg Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:45 pm

Talking of Flatline, they had a great actor playing Rigsy, if they were going down the diversity route why didn't they ask him back instead of the wooden and utterly dull Ryan? Rigsy brought a fresh new look to the show, he was likeable and cool. Its a pity he was not asked to be a companion.
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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:20 am

{{ I like Ryan and Grahame the most so far out of the 'friends'. But in both cases they are beginning to seem a bit thin.
I had thought Ryan was going to be something of a throw back to classic companion Jamie- not the smartest guy ever, but loyal and utterly believing in the Doctor in similar fashion as Sam does Frodo. But he is turning out to be a bit of a 3-note character- he is a bit dim but well intentioned, he has his illness, and he has Dad issues.
Each episode is one or a combination of those things that get highlighted- and by highlighted I mean we get some exposition dump about.

Grahame also is starting to look 3- note- he is grumpy-ish, he mourns his wife's death and misses her, he is the comic relief.

Yaz isn't even a 1-note character, I could say she is a police officer, but as it never come sup even when people wave illegal guns about the place so it doesn't really count, her character so far is - she is there.

Nothing wrong with them having traits, problem is they have to do stuff in-between bringing them up, and they dont.

Next two episodes  offer equal measures of hope and disaster potentially- good news is new writers, not Chibnall, downside is they are both potentially pc minefields-

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:28 pm

Rolling Eyes its getting to the point where I might not bother watching any more until Chibnal and Jodie tootle off to the timey-wimey dustbin of history. This could seriously hurt Jodie's future career if she is tied to a flop, she might decide to hand in her sonic. well I hope so, bored of her already. its nothing to do with the woman thing, its she just cant portray the Doctor. I would have preferred Lesley Sharp or Suranne Jones, they could have worked with the dull dialogue and made something of it. People can see they are being force-fed pc bollox and are getting irritated by it, if Chibnal really had to insist on pc bollox he should have been slightly more subtle and not banged on about it. I haven't liked one episode so far, not even Rosa although a lot of people think it was 'worthy' I didn't, I thought it was patronising and bland.
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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:07 pm

{{Ill give it to the end of this series and take an overview- its pretty bad at the halfway point- but then its been all Chibnal to the halfway point- hoping at least one of the new writers is up to the job and can write a plot, and character development that doesn't rely on exposition, and can write the Doctor properly, and above all we need a villain of worth.
Tom Baker once said the villains were the most important aspect of Who, as they defined the Doctor in adversity. 13 has had no adversity of note and so lacks any definition of character. She needs better opponents, with actual character, motivations, and clever plans to unmask. Not one-note foes with simplistic basic motivations like space-racist and nibbler from Futurama.  }}}

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by azriel Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:45 pm

This is like the Eurovision Song contest. cheesy, sometimes over the top but, you keep watching just to see how bad it can get. that's what I shall do. Ive given up thinking this is Dr Who, its not. Its a spin off or a rival sci-fi. Ive been watching "Lost in Space" on the Horror Channel & that's far better than Dr who is. Even the music is better. All the work gone into the sets as well, tho a bit corny, is still better than this load of crap. I haven't seen the Tardis yet, Im in for a treat eh Smile mind you, ive only seen last weeks episode. Looking forward to seeing the Tardis, how bad have they cocked that one up ?
Answers on a postcard please.

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:09 pm

I quite like the design for the TARDIS, that's one thing I wasn't disappointed with, it looks organic like coral at the bottom of the Barrier Reef.
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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:25 pm

{{I am not sold- and one thing I noticed was because the pillars around the on console are so close to it and so chunky, when you have shots of the Doctor and all the companions at the console, as there 3 of them, plus Doctor and always a pillar in the way, they have to clump all the companions together in frame bewtween pillars to get them in the shot- making it look small and cramped when it should be big. }}

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Nov 08, 2018 11:10 pm

They always stand behind her in a straight line, so that could be a problem.
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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by halfwise Fri Nov 09, 2018 1:24 am

I had to go look it up. very strange, like something out of Alien almost. I can see changing it up, but this is too organic.

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by azriel Fri Nov 09, 2018 6:18 pm

I haven't seen the inside yet but, that was always the main recurring theme, that the inside always wowed people. They always said " its bigger on the inside". It was always unimaginable & it was said to the point of being boring. Something else the Beeb has fecked up ? This is sounding more & more like a Pantomime that's gone very very wrong.

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by malickfan Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:09 pm

so series 11 is a bit shit and/or bland?

I don't feel like I'm missing out on much Laughing No

The Thorin: An Unexpected Rewrite December 2012 (I was on the money apparently)
The Tauriel: Desolation of Canon December 2013 (Accurate again!)
The Sod-it! : Battling my Indifference December 2014 (You know what they say, third time's the charm)

Well, that was worth the wait wasn't it  Suspect

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Nov 11, 2018 5:52 pm

{{ I wouldn't say so Malick- but others outside this forum seem to be lapping it up as great, I have no idea why as it flaws seem many and blatant to me Shrugging
But hey, give an episode a go Malick and see what you make of it, always best to check these things out for yourself I reckon, even though I dont expect you to be persuaded by the show at the moment. And at least tonight's is not written by Chibnall }} }}}

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:03 pm

That was not Doctor Who. It was Eastenders in a field.

With two seconds of sci-fi thrown in because its to be sci-fi. :facepalm:

On the plus-side, nice bit of teal/orange going on, flowery fields and the music wasn't bad.
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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Nov 11, 2018 10:15 pm

{{{Oh my, what a difference not letting Chibbers write something can make!!!

First impressions as usual and spoiler filled-


But those things not withstanding a marked improvement, for me this is the point where the 13th Doctor actually feels like she could actually really be a Doctor after all that isn't just bits of her three NUwho predecessors in a blender but her own incarnation.
Vinay Patel you come back and write again I think!

Im going to give this one a welcome surprise 8 out of 10.  }}}

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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Nov 11, 2018 11:06 pm

Shocked While it was an improvement it wasn't Doctor Who. It was family drama with a historical/political/religious background. It was about lurve with two seconds of aliens. It looked good and Bradley did a good wobbly lip, but that's it.
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All New Who - Page 17 Empty Re: All New Who

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Nov 11, 2018 11:30 pm

{{Its not something style wise thats been done in NUWHo, but it is similar in some respects to some classic historicals, but more than them it made me think of some BF style stories in its presentation and setting. I could imagine listening to the 8th Doctor in this one- so for me it didn't feel out of place, despite it being a style NuWho hasn't really tackled.


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