Doctor Who [5]

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun May 26, 2013 10:27 pm

Occasionally I read something that is so stunningly stupid its worth pointing out- case in point-

THE BBC has struck back after a new book branded Doctor Who as “thunderingly racist”.

A collection of essays by international academics accused the Time Lord of being dismissive towards black companions and failing to tackle slavery.

In the book Doctor Who and Race, contributors claimed the series reflects attitudes that “continue to subjugate people of colour”.

Professor Amit Gupta argues that the Peter Davison portrayal of the Doctor as a cricket fan in the 1980s was symbolic of the “whiteness” running through his travels. Another writer said companion Martha Jones — played by Freema Agyeman — was treated as second-class by David Tennant’s Doctor.

Ok where to start with this nonsense.
Firstly as a character the Doctor has a long history of treating all species with respect, even the Daleks ("Do I have the right?"- 4th Doctor, Genesis of the Daleks, faced with the option of wiping them all out)
Secondly you have a lead character who has committed genocide, twice and been responsible for the death of the last of at least one species. Even if he was racist it'd pretty far down his list of crimes.
Any perception of Martha being treated less favourably by the 10th Doctor than Rose was before her is because of the circumstances in which he lost Rose- making him more cautious to show his feelings and more withdrawn- its called acting and would have happened regardless of the colour of the companion following Rose as its the natural place for the character to go given the precding loss.
Not sure why they expect Who to tackle slavery. The Doctor does not do retribution or revenge, its not why he travels in time- exemplified beautifully by Lets Kill Hitler- in which the Doctor doenst confront the greatest threat of the 20th century, Hitler, he locks him a cupboard and forgets about him because its not the Doctors job- delibertly contrasted with the time traveling Tessselctor in that episode whose sole purpose is to punish bad guys from history who otherwise got away with it.
The Doctor is the opposite of the retiribution, revenge machine Tesselector so expecting him to solve slavery shows a fundemental misunderstanding of the shows very premise.
Race itself does come up in Family of Blood, where Martha has to put up with not only prejudice based on her skin but on being a women who is qualified as a doctor too.

As for the cricket thing- really? Last I checked cricket was at at least as popular (Id say more so) in India, Pakistan and Australia than England to name but three countries.
I wonder what idiot paid for this 'research.' Mad

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by azriel Mon May 27, 2013 5:34 am

Thankyou Petty for putting up vids ! Im gonna try to keep up with it from now on ! Ive never thought or even felt that Dr who was racist at all ! what a jerk this guy is ! Shocked A right plonker ! I had the impression that the Dr was not there to interfere or change history,I felt he was wisely trying to be neutral ? (whilst thinking about his own neck). I didnt feel he was making assumptions on peoples skin colour ? Erm, he has an aversion to GREEN scalely things also ? Racist to amphibians is he ? this is getting ridiculus !, Rolling Eyes

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon May 27, 2013 9:41 am

Ony monday Azriel (I think drunken) so you still have till the weekend before I put up the next vids. Very Happy

Yeah the racist thing is stupid- I did a bit of digging about and other things they accuse the show of is racism during the Tom Baker years- in particular episode like Talons- in which the chinese character is played by a white UK actor in makeup.
However to say what was common practise in TV and film at the time- from It Aint Half Hot Mum all the way up to Alec Guiness in Lawrence of Arabia and Ben Kingsley as Gandhi is racist is false- its not inherently racist. Especially not within the context of the time.

ps the Doctor doesnt even mind green and scaly- Madame Vastra is green, scaly and in a cross species lesbian releationship with her servant- and he still doesnt have any objections- thats pretty bloody broad minded if you ask me.

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Mrs Figg Mon May 27, 2013 10:48 am

Pettytyrant101 wrote:Occasionally I read something that is so stunningly stupid its worth pointing out- case in point-

THE BBC has struck back after a new book branded Doctor Who as “thunderingly racist”.

A collection of essays by international academics accused the Time Lord of being dismissive towards black companions and failing to tackle slavery.

In the book Doctor Who and Race, contributors claimed the series reflects attitudes that “continue to subjugate people of colour”.

Professor Amit Gupta argues that the Peter Davison portrayal of the Doctor as a cricket fan in the 1980s was symbolic of the “whiteness” running through his travels. Another writer said companion Martha Jones — played by Freema Agyeman — was treated as second-class by David Tennant’s Doctor.

Ok where to start with this nonsense.
Firstly as a character the Doctor has a long history of treating all species with respect, even the Daleks ("Do I have the right?"- 4th Doctor, Genesis of the Daleks, faced with the option of wiping them all out)
Secondly you have a lead character who has committed genocide, twice and been responsible for the death of the last of at least one species. Even if he was racist it'd pretty far down his list of crimes.
Any perception of Martha being treated less favourably by the 10th Doctor than Rose was before her is because of the circumstances in which he lost Rose- making him more cautious to show his feelings and more withdrawn- its called acting and would have happened regardless of the colour of the companion following Rose as its the natural place for the character to go given the precding loss.
Not sure why they expect Who to tackle slavery. The Doctor does not do retribution or revenge, its not why he travels in time- exemplified beautifully by Lets Kill Hitler- in which the Doctor doenst confront the greatest threat of the 20th century, Hitler, he locks him a cupboard and forgets about him because its not the Doctors job- delibertly contrasted with the time traveling Tessselctor in that episode whose sole purpose is to punish bad guys from history who otherwise got away with it.
The Doctor is the opposite of the retiribution, revenge machine Tesselector so expecting him to solve slavery shows a fundemental misunderstanding of the shows very premise.
Race itself does come up in Family of Blood, where Martha has to put up with not only prejudice based on her skin but on being a women who is qualified as a doctor too.

As for the cricket thing- really? Last I checked cricket was at at least as popular (Id say more so) in India, Pakistan and Australia than England to name but three countries.
I wonder what idiot paid for this 'research.' Mad

what a load of idiotic PC crap. where do they find these idjits? talk about chip on the shoulder.
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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon May 27, 2013 11:07 am

From what I can gather Mrs Figg its an American led piece.
That sort of explains it- a 'new' show appears- becomes hugely popular States side and it doesnt go about making a huge deal of race or slavery despite having the abilty to go back in time and sort it out, a US show probably would do that because their country is so scewed up along racial lines and they are still guilty that as recently as the 60's they were segregating black from white.
Naval gaze at your own shows- Who doesn't carry Americas baggage! Mad

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon May 27, 2013 12:05 pm

Some more digging turned up these gems-

'There was also criticism of the introduction and Adolf Hitler as a character last year, which was condemned as 'slapstick’, and said did nothing to increase understanding of the Holocaust' - The Independent

Moffat said at the time that to treat Hiler seriously in the show would be to give an unpleasant nasty little man to much air- and that the best way to insult someone who thought they could take over the world through violence, murder and fear is to be completely dismissive of them.
The episode, as I said above, also has the Tesselcetor to contrast and highlight the fact the Doctor does not see it as his duty to go about punishing people from history for their deeds. That is not why he travels.

Some more from the 'research'-

The Doctor also dismisses as primitive any civilisation that doesn’t share his belief in scientific progress – which the academic critics say is a very ‘West European’ attitude. In the show’s very first story, William Hartnell’s Doctor compares the disbelief of his new companions when they first enter the Tardis with the Red Indian ‘whose savage mind disbelieved steam trains’.
And the introduction of the ‘savage’ – and scantily-clad – companion Leela in the 1970s is offered as further proof of the Time Lord’s inherent racism since she was treated as being ‘more primitive than us’.

Ok I will give them the Hartnell line- but its a shared prejeduce and ignorance of the times in which it was made- thinkk of all those cowboy and indian films America was churning out at the time, and it was 50 years ago now.
On the Leela one, yes she was scantliy clad, yes she was a primitive- from another planet at roughly the Bronze Age level of development.
If the Doctor was so dismissive of her why did he take her as his companion? She is also one of the most proactive female characters in the shows history and the only companion I can think of who regularly (and to the Doctors annoyance often) uses violence to problem solve. Leela is often top of the polls for female Who fans favourite classic companion and the character is still a regular in the Big Finish Audio Books with Tom Bakers 4th Doctor.
I fail to see any evidence of racism here.

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon May 27, 2013 1:37 pm

I wonder how long the Moff has been planning the whole


Clever stuff Moff! I shall be keeping my ears and eyes peeled for more scattered clues.

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Mrs Figg Mon May 27, 2013 2:18 pm

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Mrs Figg Mon May 27, 2013 2:23 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:From what I can gather Mrs Figg its an American led piece.
That sort of explains it- a 'new' show appears- becomes hugely popular States side and it doesnt go about making a huge deal of race or slavery despite having the abilty to go back in time and sort it out, a US show probably would do that because their country is so scewed up along racial lines and they are still guilty that as recently as the 60's they were segregating black from white.
Naval gaze at your own shows- Who doesn't carry Americas baggage! Mad

I dont think its American baggage, its a couple of pc idjits baggage. there are many many new shows and they all must have idjits crawling out the woodwork, its like saying Buffy is racist against Vampires or Sherlock is prejudiced against criminals because he doesnt make sure they have knitting classes in prison. its all pc shite gone mad, and sooner or later there is going to be a backlash.
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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon May 27, 2013 2:25 pm

- Mrs Figg


Last edited by Pettytyrant101 on Mon May 27, 2013 2:28 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon May 27, 2013 2:26 pm

I dont think its American baggage- Mrs Figg

I dont know, they seem to have a bee in their bonnet on the subject of race.
But either way you are quite right that they are a bunch of pc eejits.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon May 27, 2013 3:43 pm

I rewatched the Power of Three (Im rewatching all of series 7 now I have it in its entirety) and a thought occured regarding the differences in companions.

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Norc Tue May 28, 2013 10:17 am

The Doctor is the last of the Time Lords but is he the last of the Gallifreyans?

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Tue May 28, 2013 11:36 am

A good question Norc- little is really known about day to day life for non Time Lord Gallifreyeans let alone what part they played in the Time War (beyond victims).
There are also two time lords still unaccounted for- Romana (4th Doctor companion) and Susan, his grandaughter.

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Amarië Tue May 28, 2013 2:52 pm

... and his daughter Jenna or whatever she was called. I wonder what the overall idea, if any, was with her.

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Amarië Tue May 28, 2013 2:53 pm

We started watching season 4 with Baker. He's fun. Smile

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Norc Tue May 28, 2013 7:06 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:A good question Norc- little is really known about day to day life for non Time Lord Gallifreyeans let alone what part they played in the Time War (beyond victims).
There are also two time lords still unaccounted for- Romana (4th Doctor companion) and Susan, his grandaughter.

there are more time lords? and the master, he's galifreyan?

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed May 29, 2013 1:20 pm

The Master is a Time Lord- but as far as we know also dead (never wise to write him off though- hes like a Lazarus made of flour- self raising).

Susan is a Time Lord whereabouts unknown- maybe she Cha,eleon Arched hrself sos she could be human.
Romana was last seen going to stay in another dimension known as e-space (before the Time War made travelling between dmensions all but impossible)

If anyone is interested I have been putting together a vid (which got a bit epic) its a bit over 2 hours long and is Rivers story from her point of view from her birth to NotD.
It will get pulled if I put it on youtube- too much footage so when its done (hopefully sometime tonight) I will put it on my skydrive for anyone who wants to see how events look from her side of the story.

ps Is 'River's Song' to cheesy a title for it?

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Norc Wed May 29, 2013 2:05 pm

So there are other time lords? do they regenerate? Also, don't they need the tardis for that? Also, sucks about dimensions. it would be awesome if the doctor visited Middle Earth or Asgard Very Happy or the avengers. Superwholock!

The title is a bit to cheesy, maybe make a metaphor?

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed May 29, 2013 2:52 pm

At present in Who all other Time Lords are gone, except the ones I mentioned whose status is unknown.
But the Doctor always maintains if there was another Time Lord alive he would know it.
Then again Rule One.

TARDIS can aid in the regeneration process and make it more stable- presumably as Time Lords had a very strict non interference policy they rarily had to regen away from Gallifrey.

All Time Lords can regen- but its not a natural ability- its an ultimate medical advance and traditionally Time Lords got 13 regens when they left the Academy as full Time-Lords (A Time Lord living on Gallifrey, with all its medical technologue would last in one body for a very, very long time indeed)
The High Council could however remove regenerations as punishment or indeed give a Time Lord more as a reward.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Mrs Figg Wed May 29, 2013 2:58 pm

what about Donna Doctor?
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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed May 29, 2013 3:03 pm

Her head explodes if she remembers anything about the Doctor, bit of a problem- and she was made purely human again or she would die. So I dont think she counts as a Time Lord.

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Mrs Figg Wed May 29, 2013 3:13 pm

but she still is a Time Lord.
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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed May 29, 2013 3:20 pm

No she never was a Time-lord- she was something unique. Her puny human brain cant contain Time Lord knowledge or speed of processing without killing her.
And a Time-Lord by definition is Gallifryean and has passed through the Academy.
Everyone else is just a time traveler.

Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Doctor Who [5] - Page 22 Empty Re: Doctor Who [5]

Post by Norc Wed May 29, 2013 4:31 pm

All Time Lords can regen- but its not a natural ability- its an ultimate medical advance and traditionally Time Lords got 13 regens when they left the Academy as full Time-Lords (A Time Lord living on Gallifrey, with all its medical technologue would last in one body for a very, very long time indeed)
The High Council could however remove regenerations as punishment or indeed give a Time Lord more as a reward.

so some time lords can regenerate, but not galifrayan. also... if they originally get 13 regenerations.. we only have two doctors left O_O (i mean, if we consider the doctor hasn't been getting punishments or rewards)

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