The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:30 pm

it wasn't as constant or glaring.- Halfwise

The dialogue rewriting was, as was the out of place and out of time sentence structuring.

I think in LotR's PJ got away with it more, particularly in FotR because it looked more or less right. There was other stuff to distract from the awful treatment of the text and it had the benefit of the audience 'seeing' ME for the first time in front of their eyes- with TH the surrounding look and presentation is as modern and poorly conceived as the script is so its more obvious.

But I stand by my point that in terms of dialogue and script LotR's is just as bad, arguably worse as it had a lot more quality dialogue to choose from.

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Mrs Figg Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:34 pm

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by halfwise Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:36 pm

Saying LoTR adaptation is worse because there was more quality dialogue to choose from is a valid point, and it may be the LoTR was better because of better source material. But I think the major reason was that there wasn't such a constant culture class in the Fellowship: usually only one representative of each race, so you don't see the equivalent of dwarves as a rugby team in the tea room.

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:49 pm

you don't see the equivalent of dwarves as a rugby team in the tea room.- Halfwise

But they dont have to be represented that way- thats a PJ choice.

It doesnt change the fact there is barely a line of dialogue makes it from page to film unscathed in either LotR's or TH- LotR's its slightly better disguised because they use 'sound-bites' of dialogue from the book at crucial moments, and there are fewer of them in TH to use, and if the treatment of the opening paragraph of the book on film is any guide, or the trolls 'burra-hobbit' the few there are will not survive at all this time making it seem even worse.

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by David H Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:49 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:

I think in LotR's PJ got away with it more, particularly in FotR because it looked more or less right.

It did more than than that. It told a story that drew you in bit by bit, so that the audience (excluding purists of course) were more concerned with the characters' thoughts and feelings rather than how they phrased things.

AUJ with all its introductions, forced cameos of LotR stars, and trying to get "hook" for every one of the twelve dwarves, often ended up feeling more like a laundry list than a story.

And if you're less engaged, the anachronisms stand out.

Croquet jokes for example. Mad 
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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:54 pm

It told a story that drew you in bit by bit, so that the audience - David

I agree with that, but thats was because they still trusted enough in Tolkien's basic story to set up in a similar, if shortened fashion. But they still did it with a short supply of genuine Tolkien dialogue beyond the sound bite treatment.

Croquet jokes for example.- David

Yeah I wanted to cut that line but couldnt because of where its placed and the surrounding dialogue. Mad 

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Forest Shepherd Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:59 am

We should take the conversation between Gandalf and Beorn when the Company first arrives at Beorn's home and compare it to the same scene in DOS when it comes out. In fact, we could take all of Beorn's dialogue and see if any of it makes it into the film unchanged.
Ten stolen gold pieces says that in the movie Bilbo doesn't actually see Beorn in bear form at night stalking their camp and, consequently, never tells the dwarves.
Who knows, but I think we'll be unpleasantly surprised.
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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by leelee Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:07 pm

bungobaggins wrote:Recently I've been trying to re-watch AUJ. This endeavor has taken place over the last two and a half weeks as I can only stomach a few minutes at a time. I've currently reached the moment where Azog & Friends™️ discover Thorin & Company©️ outside of the Misty Mountains. Ya know, that moment right before Thorin and Gandalf name-drop the chapter title? Yeah, so that's where I currently am.

I've been thinking back over the entire film and this sentence from the prologue really gets on my nerves: "I think it is time for you to know what really happened."

Seriously? What really happened? That sentence just reeks of self-importance. Like: "Oh, you may have read the book, but you didn't see the movie! It's what really happened!"

Put down that book, Frodo, and stare at this screen for nine hours, because you're about to hear the true story! It's like the screenwriters are trying to place their movie higher than the book. It's like they're trying to say that there is a definite series of events surrounding this fictional story, and that definite series of events are not all from the book/author! Good grief! They might as well put a "Based on a True Story" disclaimer at the beginning of the film. The true story that it's based on is the writers' need for self-aggrandizement!

I can just see it: cinema-goers who resemble neanderthals exiting the cinema, muttering to themselves in an uneducated hill-billy southern drawl: "Golly, Billy-Bob, sure glad we done gone and seen dat dere movin' picsher show! We weren't ev'r gettin' the whole story outta no book!"

Extremely Crabbit 
I thought your words concerning the movie goers horrible, cruel and rather hostile, not to mention insulting. For instance what gives you the right to call any movie goers' resembling neanderthals? And when are Southern Americans less than others -because they have been pictured as talking that way about a hundred years ago.? Have you never been ill informed about anything in your life? Why are you even wanting to watch anything Peter did? I am Canadian and if we perhaps said that about the Quebecers we would rightly be beat up. You sound terribly racist.
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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Mrs Figg Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:26 pm

Leelee with all due respect, I think you have seriously misunderstood what Bungo was saying. he wasnt being racist or hostile to film goers he was being sarcastic about PJ spoonfeeding film goers because he thinks we are too dumb to understand whats going on. It wasnt meant to be offensive.
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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by leelee Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:09 pm

Hey Julia, hope you are doing well. I know perfectly well what he was saying, he could have put it a different way, it is rude. And anyways I wanted to trouble the waters a little, because I am curious to see if Bungo is a uique person orOrwell or Petty or one of you.  I never know who I am really talking to and on most forums you are not allowed to be more than one person.And honestly, Bungo sounds like a hill billy name if you come to think of it and that is just fine. He doesn't need to be hurtful.
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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Mrs Figg Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:19 pm

well I dont think it was necessary to call him racist and I didnt think he was rude, I kinda got used to stuff like that listening to what Petty says about the English. Mad  and Bungo might be from Southern America himself for all we know. Shrugging 
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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Norc Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:25 pm

i don't think it was nescessary to provoke and call him a racist just to find out whether or not he's a sockpuppet, why not just ask him?. if he was racist, it would have been towards neanderthals..

also i believe the name Bungo he has chosen for himself is a distant relative of Bilbo, so not a hillbilly name.

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:01 pm

I am quite sure Bungo meant no offence leelee (except to PJ and he deserves it)

"I kinda got used to stuff like that listening to what Petty says about the English"- Mrs Figg

Yes but you would say that being a sassenach and all. Twisted Evil 

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Mrs Figg Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:11 pm

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by bungobaggins Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:12 pm

Wow. If that's the way you're going to read into my post. I really don't know what to say. I can sit here and say I'm not a racist (which I'm not) but there's no way to prove it. No one else seemed to have a problem with my post.

You don't know anything about me, and to assume that I'm racist? Wow. I really thought this was a nice community to post in. Guess I was wrong.

Whatever. I'm out of here. I'm fine with poking fun and what not, but if you're going to sit there on your high horse and call me a racist? Well, you can just fuck off for all I care.

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:16 pm

Now Bungo, no need to go jumping off the other end- misunderstandings happen all the time when there is only text to read. Just an unfortunate bit of life on the net.

You have been a much liked, much enjoyed new member to our little community and we would very much like you stay with us not to leave over one post that misinterpreted you, so please dont.
Stay and have a buckie instead Nod drunken .

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by bungobaggins Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:20 pm

Thanks, Petty, but nah I'm done.


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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:24 pm

Mad At least stay and be crabbit about it Bungo!

Really its all just a misinterpretation, leelee has her own way of looking at things, I am quite sure there was not one single other person here who thought anything you have said was in any way racist. I know it never even crossed my mind for a nanosecond.

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Mrs Figg Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:25 pm

Hi Bungo, please dont leave because of someones stupid comments. It was totally out of order to call you racist and I can only apologize to you for that. I am upset about it myself and hope you can forgive it. Calling someone a racist just to get a rise out of someone is a bit pathetic.
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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Mrs Figg Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:27 pm

I dont fucking believe this.
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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Norc Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:50 pm

don't leave! please don't leave!!!!!!!!! stuff is always misunderstood on the internet, it happens all the time. that was a stupid and ugly remark from Leelee which i hope she can apologize for.

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Mrs Figg Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:11 pm

I think its safe to say that we all like Bungo very much and we dont want to see him leave over a dumb-ass comment.

This sucks.
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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Norc Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:13 pm

fuck, this place sucks... i am leaving.

(to do homework, bye! Wave )

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Pettytyrant101 Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:28 pm

fuck, this place sucks... i am leaving. - Norc

I am never quick scan reading a page again! pale  Evil or Very Mad 

(Now go do some homework)

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The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me). - Page 2 Empty Re: The most insulting sentence in AUJ (for me).

Post by Eldorion Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:35 pm

Hey bungo, I've really enjoyed getting to talk with you about stuff (especially Breaking Bad, which I'm still working through), so I hope you won't leave over one comment. I get that it offended you -- I've gotten into plenty of Internet disputes in my time -- but there's a lot more to this or any other community than any individual comment or dispute. That's my thoughts on the matter, anyway. Shrugging

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