FREEDOM!!!! [4]

Mrs Figg
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FREEDOM!!!! [4] - Page 14 Empty Re: FREEDOM!!!! [4]

Post by halfwise Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:25 pm

Just found out from this thread that the New Zealand PM resigned. Looked it up and she had a baby while in office. Good Lord, the woman deserves a medal as well as a break.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Post by Mrs Figg Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:22 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:{{ Just got chance to watch her speech and the press questions. I note Figg even though the women has effectively been hounded out of the job youre still name calling her. Still shame on you.

Hounded out by whom? I listened to her speach, Wee Krankie seemed totally cool with it

There are a few line sin particular in her replies which seem telling-

'She does regret not being able to bring a "rational approach" to debates....She says issues that are controversial "end up almost irrationally so"
Sturgeon alludes to the pressures of the job, saying it is hard "and at times relentlessly so".
She says: "I'm not expecting violins here but I am a human being as well as a politician."...She speaks of "physical and mental impact" the role has had on her.
"The nature and form of modern political discourse means there is a much greater intensity - dare I say it brutality'- BBC

I noticed she reiterated that she is a 'feminist' yeah right. She bulldozed womens rights and now she is paying the price.

Shame we still treat female leaders especially in this manner, its reminiscent of the recent resignation of the NZ PM who said when she unexpectedly resigned, 'I am human, politicians are human. We give all that we can for as long as we can. And then it’s time.'

So men dont get personally attacked? what a preposterous argument. The only difference between Sturgeon and Ardern and male leaders is that male leaders are obsessed with power at all costs and women have other priorities, like having a life.

I dont think its a coincidence both faced brutal personal attacks and both were  strong female leaders. }}
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Post by Mrs Figg Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:36 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:{ {Yeah will brexit and English political gullibility seem to go together. As to Abbot, well under the Tories weve had two immigrants as Home Sec who hate immigrants! Equally absurd. And I am not convinced the way we are going about Ukraine is at all helpful and not just slowly making things much worse. }}

Strangely I don't think those two, Patel and Braverman are so much racist as classist. They hate poor people, not because they may be Asian but because they are the wrong class.

Last edited by Mrs Figg on Wed Feb 15, 2023 10:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post by Lancebloke Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:58 pm

Petty - What's wrong with the Ukraine approach?
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Post by Mrs Figg Wed Feb 15, 2023 10:35 pm

Extremely Crabbit I keep getting angry about all kinds of ridiculous stuff. needs more drugs.
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Wed Feb 15, 2023 11:59 pm

I noticed she reiterated that she is a 'feminist' yeah right. She bulldozed womens rights and now she is paying the price. - Figg

{{ Thats ridiculous Figg. She has championed women's and children's rights since she began in politics. She has helped 1000's and 1000's of women out of poverty, provided better womens services, increased women's health and access in the NHS, lifted tens of 1000's of children out of poverty, dramatically increased the likelihood kids from poor backgrounds will go on to higher education, brought in the baby boxes for single mothers and low paid, free prescriptions, free public transport for under 18's and pensioners, the child payment you don't get in England that lifts a poor family or single mother £2000 up per year, taxed the wealthiest a few pence more to redistribute to the poorest paid and in need, often women.
Her record is exemplary on campaigns she has fought over life for women's and children's rights, obviously heart felt and the very things that have motivated her political life since she began it alongside independence. You do no favours to yourself trying to besmirch her record in that department Figg.

From the BBC Live feed- }}

'It’s striking how much (her policies) focus on children and women.
"That cause got under my skin and into my heart in a way that few other issues did during my time as first minister,” she told journalists.

Since backbencher days, she has signalled her intent to support of the victims of domestic violence. She cited the more progressive choices around the tax and welfare powers devolved to Holyrood during her term – again, skewed towards children. Tax on higher earners has gone up, helping fund higher welfare benefits for families with children.
Her record on closing educational attainment gap improved the chances of school leavers from deprived backgrounds getting to university.

Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker of the House of Representatives, said: “First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has earned respect and admiration from all over the globe for her strong, values-driven leadership,”.
Pelosi praised her commitment to environmental policy and her “special focus on gender equality in the climate fight” as well as for welcoming Ukrainian refuges to Scotland and advocating for reducing Europe’s dependence on Russian oil.

Nicola Sturgeon has always a passionate advocate of women’s’ rights which helped her to forge bonds with female politicians around the world. Even if they did not share her ambitions for Scotland.

Sir John Curtice, professor of politics at Strathclyde University, tells Radio Scotland the polls showed for every one person who was satisfied with Nicola Sturgeon, there was one who was dissatisfied.
However Curtice points out: "At the moment for example Rishi Sunak would die for numbers like that."
She is still the most popular leader in Scotland and has indeed been "remarkably popular", he says.'

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Post by Mrs Figg Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:15 pm

Obviously I prefer her to the Tories, and obviously she was popular, and obviously she did a better job during the pandemic. I give her her due on many things. She was just a better politician in nearly every front to the alternatives in Westminster. So much so obvious. But she also started to feel omnipotent and one of her policies strayed into scary social engineering territory. The Named Person policy was straight out of the fascist handbook. And it was stopped as a result. The latest scandal was another huge mistake. Apart from that her record isn't perfect but it is miles better than an English politician for decades.
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Post by Mrs Figg Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:29 pm

Are you sure you want this Humza idiot? He doesn't like Scottish people. He seems to object to Scottish people, And he doesn't know that 99% of Scottish people are white.  Rolling Eyes

from 1.53

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Post by Pettytyrant101 Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:44 pm

{{ This was part of a debate in the Chamber that was in response to the findings of a Government Select Committee, looking at minorities in public roles.
The findings were that statistically there was a short fall. No one is expecting half the jobs to be going to black people, as you note Figg there simply aren't enough blacks in Scotland, but statistically there still should be more in these roles than there are for the percentage of blacks who are Scottish.
That is why Humza begins by saying "Because we have to accept the reality and the evidence set before us," that is in reference to the evidence of the findings that the Select Committee set before the Chamber for debate.
Sheds a different light on his speech given its context.
And Ive no idea where you get from this that he hates Scottish people, he is Scottish, born in Glasgow. }}

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Post by Pettytyrant101 Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:12 pm

{{ What has been interesting in the race for a new leader is the part religion has played in the debate so far.
That might seem surprising in a country with a liberal voting pattern and where religion is in the minority, but one of the more interesting things as a pure political watcher about this is how broad (excuse the phrase) a church the SNP is.

Most parties are a coalition of groups bound by a lose overarching ideology- so for the Tories that private ownership, smaller state, lower taxes, harsh policing, strong defence. For Labour is public ownership, larger state, higher taxes, compassionate policing and less spending on defence, for example.
And in both cases you have an extreme left or right wing, the moderates and the liberal wing all within their own ideology.

But the SNP is different as the overarching ideology is independence. There isnt actually a political ideology backing it.
Under Salmond for example, with his background in finance and banking the SNP was centre right on many policies, advocating low taxation and low rates among other policies. Under Sturgeon, whose background was in women's rights and protections, she shifted the party to the left, championing higher taxes to benefit the lowest paid and in need, particularly women and children.

But the groups that make up the SNP are very diverse indeed. You can come from the right or the left politically and support independence. In that regard the SNP is unlike any other party in the Uk where political ideology is the glue.

As a result one of the runners, Finance Secretary Katie Forbes, and considered a front runner, has come under scrutiny for her religious views. She is a Wee Free, a member of the Free Church of Scotland, a group with very traditional readings of the Bible. As such not only would she not support or go forward with the gender recognition bill she has said had she been an MSP at time, she would not have voted for same sex marriage either. This has led to the withdrawal of several of her key supporters from backing her.

At the same time people have been asking about Humza and his Muslim religion, but its harder to make a case there as his voting record on such liberal legislation is clear, in his own words- "I'm a minority in this country, I have been my entire life and my rights don't exist in some kind of vacuum. My rights are interdependent on other people's rights and therefore I believe very firmly, in fact with every fibre in my being, that your equality is my equality. Therefore I'll always fight for the equal rights of others regardless of who they are."

But it shows the broadness of the party that we can go from a leader who left amid opposition to passing the GRC to a potential front runner for leader who does not even support same sex marriage. }}

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Post by Mrs Figg Wed Feb 22, 2023 4:05 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:{{ This was part of a debate in the Chamber that was in response to the findings of a Government Select Committee, looking at minorities in public roles.
The findings were that statistically there was a short fall. No one is expecting half the jobs to be going to black people, as you note Figg there simply aren't enough blacks in Scotland, but statistically there still should be more in these roles than there are for the percentage of blacks who are Scottish.
That is why Humza begins by saying "Because we have to accept the reality and the evidence set before us," that is in reference to the evidence of the findings that the Select Committee set before the Chamber for debate.
Sheds a different light on his speech given its context.
And Ive no idea where you get from this that he hates Scottish people, he is Scottish, born in Glasgow. }}

The poor darling doesn't seem to get how the Northern Hemisphere works though does he. Rolling Eyes
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Feb 23, 2023 12:12 am

{ Thats doesnt follow- he was responding to the findings of a select committee, that found for the percentage of minorities in low to middle tier work there is the sort of representation you would expect per head of population, but for some reason it vanishes completely when you look at top level jobs.
So he was responding to statistical facts about a country in the northern hemisphere, this one. Id say he knew exactly how it works, and that was the problem he was highlighting. }}

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Post by Mrs Figg Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:27 pm

Why is it a problem? these posts are representative of the population.
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:34 pm

{{ The select committee take into account the percentage of each minority within the population, then look at how those groups are represented in society in terms of work. The findings were, that even taking into account the numbers there was still less representation above a certain pay grade across public and private sectors than statistically there should be. So what Humza said is accurate according to the reports findings. So again I dont understand what your problem is with what he says. It's entirely based upon the facts of the committee findings.}}

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Post by Mrs Figg Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:39 pm

Still dont get why having white people in these posts is a 'problem'. its Scotland, not Birmingham. Mind you if he wins and he still cant find any Asians I am sure he will bus in some of his mates from Bradford.
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:01 pm

Mind you if he wins and he still cant find any Asians I am sure he will bus in some of his mates from Bradford.- Figg

{{ Well that doesnt sound in the slightest bit racist!  Rolling Eyes

As to why its a problem, well thats obvious if statistically minorities are not being represented at the top levels as they should be, and as they are at the mid and lower levels, then there must be a reason why that happens. Why the cut off when you get to the top jobs?

The more interesting, and in fact only relevant question is therefore why? Is it education? Housing? Poverty levels? Cultural? Racial bias? Discovering the answer to that is the way to solve the problem, but you first have to recognise the problem that the select committee uncovered. Which is what Humza is doing in that video- which of course has his opening speech but not the actual debate in the Chamber which gives it context nor mention of the report to which he is replying, knowledge of which is essential to understand the response.

And at no time, and no where does he say that white people being in those jobs is a problem, the problem is why are there only white people when statistically there should be at least one or two from minorities?}}

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Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 24, 2023 5:16 am

{{ After over a month of anti-Sturgeon attack stories on the BBC telling untruths about how she was forced to u-turn on the trans prisoner being held in a women's prison and how it was political interference that led to it happening etc

Pity after all this time they then choose to hide the actual story, weeks late and on the second politics page, not top headline as the anti-Sturgeon stories were for weeks.

The hidden story- ok turns out I cant even quote it as it appears to have been pulled entirely- stories with lying headlines such as "Trans prisoner policy change" are still there.

So what was in the story they have hidden? - the select committee report into what happened, specifically the testimony of the Scottish Prison Service who categorically and clearly stated there was no policy change, there was no pressure from Strurgeon or any other politician, and that the SPS took all the decisions regarding how to deal with the prisoner according to the rules, where upon they were risk assessed and moved to a male prison for their sentence.
The complete opposite of what the headlines still on the BBC tell you.
In the end I had to go hunting about for actual quotes-

"But what I would say, and I'll make this very clear, that the placement of prisoners, unless it is a policy matter, is an operational matter for the SPS.
So that decision was taken by operational people, in respect to both the initial placement of the individual and the subsequent decision to move the individual.
It was in no way a ministerial decision. It was for SPS and for operational people."

With regard to the Gender Recognition certificate, it doesnt make a single bit of difference-

'The gender recognition reforms coming into law would have “no effect” on the placing of transgender prisons, the chief of the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) has stressed.'

But utter shame on the BBC for hiding then removing this story after only a day when they are still running, as main headlines, the lies after weeks. }}

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Post by Mrs Figg Fri Feb 24, 2023 2:22 pm

I support Ash Regan. She seems to be the only rational one between two religious nutters. If Humza gets in say hello to Sharia Law, and if the other woman gets in say hello to anti-gay stuff and no free choice.
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 24, 2023 2:34 pm

{{ She's my least favourite, think she's a bit of a nutjob myself. Humza has the most experience in government and as a minister and hes competent, but hes bit of a personality void which is an issue as campaigning for independence requires a bit of charisma.
Forbes is competent, but a terrible public speaker and her views could be an issue if she lets them influence policy, she has been doing a lot of rowing back since her campaign launch (also not a good sign) - '"I feel greatly burdened that some of my responses to questions in the media have caused hurt, which was never my intention as I sought to answer questions clearly.
I will defend to the hilt the right of everybody in Scotland, particularly minorities, to live and to live without fear or harassment in a pluralistic and tolerant society.I will uphold the laws that have been won, as a servant of democracy, and seek to enhance the rights of everybody to live in a way which enables them to flourish. I firmly believe in the inherent dignity of each human being - that underpins all ethical and political decisions I make."

As leaders none of them hold a candle to Sturgeon it has to be said, but out of them Humza is the best of the bunch probably.

As to your belief it will mean Sharia Law just because he is Muslim- you do know every cheap crack about busing in family, sharia law just makes you sound increasingly racist?
Are you of the opinion no Muslim should be allowed to hold office in the UK?
And here I was thinking the UK had religious tolerance and freedom without prejudice as a corner stone of its society. Guess that only applies if they are Christian and white for you!}}

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Post by halfwise Fri Feb 24, 2023 4:28 pm

All the wild claims about Sharia Law in the US is just nutjob stuff.

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 24, 2023 4:36 pm

{{Its cheap right wing racism. Humza was born here,studied politics at Glasgow Uni, served under Salmond became and MSP, served under Salmond and Sturgeon, got promoted by Sturgeon and has been a Minister for the past three years. His record on supporting social justice bills is not in any serious debate by anyone, he is also the only one of the three candidates who intends to continue the court case with Westminster over the Gender recognition bill being blocked (even for those who disagree with the bill, the principle of elected Scottish MSP's passing law and that becoming law has to be fought for or it signals the end of any real democracy in Scotland).
Racist claptrap about busing in relatives and sharia law, is as you rightly say Halfy, nutjob stuff. }}

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Post by Mrs Figg Fri Feb 24, 2023 6:31 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:{{

As to your belief it will mean Sharia Law just because he is Muslim- you do know every cheap crack about busing in family, sharia law just makes you sound increasingly racist?

Guess that only applies if they are Christian and white for you!}}

You sound increasingly without a sense of humour. Laughing you do know that I am winding you up most of the time? its really boring round here without some sparks flying.

As for 'increasingly racist', I have got an adoption by distance, African kid, racists don't do that do they? Racists don't see an African kid begging outside a shop and go off to buy him a warm coat do they? Racists don't make friends with African kids do they? So back off with the 'racist' bullshit.

As for Christian and white, there's nothing wrong with having a preference for ones own race and religion, or is that forbidden too?
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Feb 24, 2023 6:40 pm

{{ Sorry Figg, such comments dont tickle my funny bone any more than listening to Bernard Manning would, it just sounds nasty to me.

As to having a preference to ones own race and religion- well I, along with a majority of Scots, have no religion so thats a non-starter, as to race, dunno about you but last time I counted there only was 1 race on this planet, the human race. And I belong to it. Some of it sucks and some of its amazing, but an arsehole is an arsehole, what colour, religion or background they have is not for me what matters- just if they are an arsehole or not. Thats my deciding factor in judging a person. }}

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Post by Amarië Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:40 pm

Well, I thought the fella was known for unfortunate statements in the media or something. But it was just a joke. Good to know.

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-Mrs Figg

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Post by Mrs Figg Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:19 pm

Pettytyrant101 wrote:{{ Sorry Figg, such comments dont tickle my funny bone any more than listening to Bernard Manning would, it just sounds nasty to me.

As to having a preference to ones own race and religion- well I, along with a majority of Scots, have no religion so thats a non-starter, as to race, dunno about you but last time I counted there only was 1 race on this planet, the human race. And I belong to it. Some of it sucks and some of its amazing, but an arsehole is an arsehole, what colour, religion or background they have is not for me what matters- just if they are an arsehole or not. Thats my deciding factor in judging a person. }}

I think Bernard Manning was very funny. He wasnt racist or sexist, he was omni-offensive, equal opportunities insults.

..and get off your high horse.

If I was to meet a white woman from Manchester or a black woman from Ethiopia, I am betting that I would have more in common culturally with the white woman, it would be harder to find common ground with the other, not because I am a racist but because its natural, that's because my background, class, religion and humour would fit better.
Mrs Figg
Mrs Figg
Eel Wrangler from Bree

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