Just...................whatever [2]

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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by Mrs Figg Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:54 pm

Norc please dont remember that stuff its not a good idea getting your bits out, it nearly got me killed once, so yeah just dont. No 
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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by David H Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:38 pm

OK, now I'm dying of curiosity Mrs Figg! bounce 
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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by Mrs Figg Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:50 pm

hum I was nearly nixed by a serial nixer, no shit. Suspect 
As I said i used to live in a house with my chums in this large old Victorian house split into rooms. I lived in the very top room, it was way up in the rooftops with a nice view of Victoria Park and a little iron balcony with tall Windows that acted like doors onto said balcony. This house was pretty decrepit and falling to bits but we liked it and the rent was super cheap. Anyhoo one night we had been on the town and to say I was blotto would have been an understatement. To this day I dont know why I did this, its one of those oh no you di'ent! moments, but I did.
I got my kit off on the balcony, did a little dance, then had a wee, yup on the balcony. Its was iron trellice so the wee just fell to the garden like acid rain. Anyhoo I staggered into bed and and dozed off. A bit later I was awoken to a scrabbling noise on my 4th floor balcony, I thought it was a cat, so I got up to shoo it away, and there was a bloke climbing over the railing into my room. We looked at each other for a split second and then I ran as fast as I could downstairs to my friends bedroom and we locked ourselves in and called the copshop. They came, they saw, they made a report.  Anyway the week after a woman was murdered on the same Street, same modus operandi, same description. moral of the story dont get your bits out.
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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:12 pm

I think you've got the moral wrong Mrs Figg.
Surely its- 'always lock your balcony doors?' Nod (and maybe with the concessionary caveat- 'especially if you've just waved your bits about on said balcony.).

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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by David H Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:21 pm

I totally take your point, Mrs Figg. And yet there's a deep part of me that feels your life has been richer for having just once danced naked on a decrepit Victorian rooftop in the night. What a beautiful image!

It's sad and scary that there are such creeps in the world. But sometimes you've just gotta dance!Nod
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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by Mrs Figg Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:28 pm

It was La Isla Bonita by Madonna. Very Happy 
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Post by David H Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:37 pm

Ah! That explains it all! :carrot: 
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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by Mrs Figg Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:43 pm

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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by leelee Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:22 am

That is truly terrifying to me, I am SO GLAD you are okay.
When I lived at home a guy kept calling me when my father was away one summer and so was everyone else. He said he knew what I was wearing and that he had been watching me a long time. I was so freaked out. The police did little, because they had little to go on. One afternoon after work, I was standing in the bathroom combing my hair prior to going to the mall and for a minute I thought my vision was going There was a man standing there, his face was in the mirror. I was beyond scared. He was looking at me like he had come to a decision and so I turned around , took a breath and ran past him so fast I pushed him aside. I ran outside and all the way to my girlfriends house two blocks away
Turns out it was the dispatcher of the CPR who always phoned to tell my father which train he would be conductor of . He was dealt with but I had anxiety attacks big time for a while after.
I could not believe it. I just went in to my gmail account and they totally rearranged it and over one thousand of my emails, some of them terribly important , having to do with the court case, are missing!
I read that they go through each and every email and read it and stuff , so I was looking for a new email account and now this. I am so angry , and I have to calm down for work. sheesh

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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by leelee Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:35 pm

I will be Hasia's tenth birthday on the 19th.I remember when she came to us at five months and was not expected to live at all. Each day was a miracle and each night knowing that I managed to get some food down her and rock her and that she went from not allowing any one to hug her to cuddling in my arms. Such a long long fight for her. We were all so exhausted by her first birthday. Never knowing if she would be breathing at the end of the day. All the days of her sick, it scares me thinking about it. And she is going to be ten!
She had Angelina Ballerina two years in a row, she loved her so, and Hello Kitty theme the year before and Toy Story everything before that.
This year she wanted all dinosaurs. She has a lot of them and my favorite is Sara from The Land Before Time. She moves her head and growls when you stroke her. I looked up cakes and found an adorable one . IT is an egg with the feet broken through the cracks. It looks so real , like a dinosaur will come out any second. And all her baby dinosaurs will have to be washed and ,......I am tired thinking of it.
And of course all her babies will be washed and dressed and attend.
And then she will go to her first cow boy camp.
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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by Norc Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:38 pm

Benedicts birthday is also on the 19th.

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Post by Norc Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:40 pm

Just realized that was a bit blunt. I am happy for u and hasia leelee, wish her a happy birthday from me and tell her i used to love angelina ballerina  too^^

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Post by Pettytyrant101 Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:08 pm

The 19th you say Leelee, that might just be enough time to kick the drunken staff of what remains of the NotP into action to do a junior edition birthday special. I shall see what can be done.

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Post by Amarië Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:14 pm

Dinosaurs and cowboy camp! Got to love that! And of course the babies have to be clean for the party, makes perfect sense!

Plush dinos or the plastic kind? Perhaps you can wash them in the dishwasher or put them in a pillow case, tie up, and put them in the laundry? Of course, Sara might not growl much after that so she might want to skip that.

One does not simply woke into Mordor.
-Mrs Figg

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Post by leelee Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:48 am

Norc, there is no need to apologize, you are so sweet. She will go BONKERS to know she shares a birthday with him, she admires him so, as well as her daddy and uncle. Her favorite teacher Jane had her first child Charlotte while Hasia was having her birthday party, so they will get together as well.

Petty, whoooooooohooooo! why couldn't you live closer! She would have you sharing her explorations whether you wanted to or not.

AM Am Am Am!!!!! I have missed you so much. And don't forget next month she is going to archeology camp, she is a great fan of Agatha Christie. And she has a hat for everything. I cannot wait to see how she looks. The thing is though, although many are so good to her, I don't know if it is the soft neurological impairment or what, but she does not feel adequate to mix with the children and talks very little in public though she is a chatterbox at home It makes me sad, but at the moment it is how she is. She is gentle and kind and does not take offence , even at children who are unkind to her. Her teacher told her not to let a certain girl draw and write in her book, but Hasia just said she did not mind. I wish she would stand up for herself.
She would scream blue murder if any of her children went in the dishwasher! Oh no, I have the joy of a bubble bath for them from baby shampoo and then rinse and then drying them all off. I have to do major surgery for Jack her old teddy bear. So I have to take him apart when she is not home, she knows he is going into hospital but she can't look. He will be washed, filled much fuller, and wear his vest and red tie. I have to do two parties because her class will have one in the morning and we in the afternoon Then I go to work and she will have another when her uncle returns home.
I don't like working at night but it is the way life is. Her dad has to play Barbie with her and then read her a Geronamo Stilton and then her blessing and bed. He is usually sleeping and she says hi when I come home. Which means a late night tea when I get back.
And Sarah is mechanical, so she will have to have her sponge bath.
So much work and over in a blink of an eye.
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Post by leelee Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:06 pm

Well HONESTLY , yesterday Hasia started coughing and then got a terrible temperature. So up all night with her, just going to pick up the meds I have one day to get her better so we can have the party at the restaurant. And of course she is in hysterics because she has a terror of not breathing properly through her nose and being congested. Every time during the night she woke up afraid my own heart was just pounding. I gave her tons of natural stuff to break it up and the doctor recommended some natural stuff that uses herbs to break up the congestion and makes you bring it up. Well that went over well with Hasia who refused to bring it up. I need a sleep when we get back because tonight will be a toughie at work. And then that cake has to be made this afternoon.
Somehow it will work out, I just know it.
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Post by leelee Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:40 pm

Hasia was shakey but I think she had a good birthday. The dinosaur cake turned out fine although making it in 32 degrees c was rather awful. I put it in the fridge until we were ready to go to the restaurant
The class at reading school made much out of her but she just stood there patiently waiting for it to end. I sent a bag with a fresh pineapple, some really nummy cookies, fruit bars and what nots to school, so the little ones were pretty happy.
There was a family that is really poor and when they found out that it was Hasia's birthday they went into their very old car and found a children's book and gave it to our girl. When they left we two shed some tears. I will find a way to repay t hem without them knowing. They have to have work, so we are trying some friends
we all work so it was hard all meeting at the restaurant but we made it. Including her mother all the way from the coast. I was nervous. Since her near death experience , seeing my daughter was nerve wracking. I wish she would come home, but she is living with an architect there . I just can't figure out if he is good to her. Anyway next year HAsia will be eleven and old enough to go be with her a while if she chooses and we are satisfied she will be safe. Hasia has her doubts, but one never knows. Desi has a neurological thing and when she drinks she does not remember anything. She would forget that her child was even there. And well, it is scary. But I hope for the best.
Hasia got such gifts, including a digital one that I don't even understand, I will have to watch it all.
The food was spectacular and it was the first time since I don't know when that we were all together. But at five thirty I had to go to work so it was all over.
We saved a mental place for you Petty since in her mind you are part of the family.
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Post by Ally Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:35 pm

I hope you see like I see.


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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by CC12 35 Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:00 pm

i think the girl that was with me at the vaccines was called cornelia i had to stop myself from laughing

it's not that serious Caroline
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Just...................whatever [2] - Page 34 Empty Re: Just...................whatever [2]

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:02 pm

We saved a mental place for you Petty since in her mind you are part of the family.- leelee

Blimey! You've only gone and brought a buckie flavoured tear to my crabbit eye. I hope she liked her Birthday NotP we were all thinking of her too.

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Post by leelee Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:02 am

Hasia is still om antibiotics for swollen glands but she coped and made the best of it. She and we really did feel like you should be at the lovely table and in a way you were, for we could discuss your thoughts as we ate and watched her open her gifts. She was so proud of all the nice things you said She likes all of you, but she would put her little arms around Petty. She loves and trusts him.
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:36 pm

This is making me think I should cut back from 20 barrels a day to 18. Dont want to be an irresponsible role model after all.

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Post by leelee Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:02 pm

I think I showed her once your picture at class and she was fascinated by your hair. Her absolute hero is TinTin and she loved the color of your hair. If you just had your buckie without swearing she will be fine. She hates swearing so much, she said it makes her sick in her stomach. I am pretty sure I was like that as a child, which means life can be hard in life. Although for some reason, in this little corner of the world it is rare that you hear swearing on the street, except for that one night that a lot go to the pub.
Maybe you could write one of your fabulous stories, she will sit here and read it and comment on it. She is sort of funny. I am very strict about where she goes on the net and she has discovered Wikipedia of all places, she will look up things for hours, and she will discuss politics with her daddy for hours and pray for everyone to have enough to eat and safety and places to hide when there is war. I wish grown ups would grow up.
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Post by Pettytyrant101 Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:11 pm

I try not to swear much on here unless for comic effect- and then I try not to do it on threads I think someone like Hasia might go to look at (although knowing you are a good parent leelee I have to admit to putting a fair bit of trust in you here and that you check out stuff for content and suitability before she sees it anyway).
Even the NotP kept her birthday edition clean and thats quite a feat for them as sleaze seems to run through their veins!


Pure Publications, The Tower of Lore and the Former Admin's Office are Reasonably Proud to Present-

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Post by leelee Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:10 am

I do check things, I cannot even remember exactly why she started on here. I think I was going down the page and she saw the tiny wee petty lego running and she was smitten. She loves lego so much She had her first at about three and she has been careful to keep it pristine and in perfect order. Then she started getting different sets and loves them. For her birthday this year her lego was in a Barbie pink container and the houses were quite pink. One of her sets has a tiny banking machine with a microscopic bank card
I know you kept it so perfect and amazingly free of ....well the usual! for her birthday. I wish we could do something for real like you did. you really are the most compassionate giving person. Don't think we don't notice. because we do.

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