The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:08 pm

Gandalfs Beard

Chapter 1

The choppy waves sprayed a salty mist over the side of the ship. The sun climbed higher as the red tint of dawn gave way to a crisp clear day. The wind was cold and sharp in the younger Hobbit’s face.

Tears stung his eyes. He peered back towards the horizon of the Rising Sun. He was traveling the path of Earendil for the first time in his life. This thought comforted him a little, as he had often longed to traverse the seas.

But his ebullience was cut with the pangs of longing for the Shire and the shores of Middle Earth which he would never see again. They had slipped beyond the horizon before nightfall the previous eve, and land was no longer visible. All about him was Blue water and Clear sky.

He felt an arm clasp his shoulders; he was no longer alone. The Younger smiled with his glistening eyes at the Elder stooped beside him.

“I didn’t hear you sneaking up behind me Uncle,” he laughed sadly.
“This brisk Sea Air has given me back my legs already,” replied the Elder cheerily. He looked at the Younger with concern.
“Are those tears Frodo?”

“N…no…,” stammered Frodo. “Just a splash of sea water Uncle Bilbo.”
“It’s alright, my boy. Let it out. There will be time for Joy soon enough. For now, let your grief flow.”

And the tears streamed down Frodo’s cheeks unabated.
“I miss the Shire already Uncle. I didn’t really fit in there any longer, but I feel as if I have left half of me behind.”
“Ah, that is as it should be Lad. You wouldn’t be alive if you didn’t feel that way,” Bilbo smiled kindly at Frodo.

“Thank you Uncle Bilbo.” Frodo wrapped his arms tightly around the wizened Old Halfling smiling wetly. “I feel better already.”
“Of course you do Frodo.” After a moment they fell apart.

Bilbo had a sparkle in his eye, and a single tear trickled from the corner.
“What is it Uncle?” There was something odd about Bilbo’s look.

“Frodo…my boy…I…I have something to tell you that I’ve wanted to say for a very, very long time. And when I’ve finished, you may not want to call me ‘Uncle’ any longer.”
“Don’t be silly Uncle. There’s nothing you can tell me that could diminish my love for you.” He peered quizzically at Bilbo.

“Frodo, I’m going to tell you a story that I’ve never told anyone…noone…only one other knows for certain (though others no doubt suspect)—and I hope to see her again in Valinor.”
“Uncle,” Frodo was beginning to feel alarmed, and very puzzled. “What do you mean? Who are you expecting to see in Valinor?”
“I…I…I probably should start at the beginning my dear, dear boy.” And for some reason Bilbo turned very red-faced.

“Come Frodo. Let us sit, I may be feeling spryer than I have in ages, but this is a long tale and it—you—deserve a proper telling.”

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:10 pm

Odo Banks

Alright, Uncle. Let's sit on the poop."
Once they were settled, Bilbo began. "Now what I'm about to tell you may shock you at first, but in the end I hope you'll be glad, for while it begins with me, quite pleasantly thank you very much, it ends with you, and don't we agree it's good you're even here? Of course we do!"
"I don't understand..."
"Nor can you, for I have kept my secret a long long time." Bilbo fell silent but the firmness of his expression told Frodo that the old hobbit was deterimed to tell his tale.
But Frodo felt anxious. "[i:2qvvlbah]'Begin with you and end with me?' What do you mean?"
Bilbo sighed. "Have you ever heard of Beren and Luthien?"
"Yes indeed."
"And of course you know about Aragorn and Beren?"
"Yes, Uncle, of course I do. You know that. Why do you hesitate? Why, you seem to be beating around the bush. Why is that?"
Bilbo sighed again. "Yes, I've beaten around the odd bush or two in my time, but I'm too old for it now. Frodo! Have you ever heard of the Lady Itaril?"
"Yes. She was an Elf Maiden from Mirkwood wasn't she?"
""Yes, at leastformerly an Elf Maiden... but that was a long long time ago..." A sparkle glinted in the elder's eye, as if he was now recalling something very special.
"Speak on, Uncle Bilbo. I'm keen to hear your tale!"
"What I mean is," Bilbo said distractedly, talking more to himself than Frodo, "[i:2qvvlbah]'What's good for The Man is good for The Hobbit?' Isn't that a well known saying?"
"No it's not!"
"Nowadays, you'd know it in this form: 'What's good for the goose is good or the gander.' The meaning, I might add, has changed slightly from way back when...."
"Uncle Bilbo, will you get on with it!"
"Listen then and I'll tell you. You're a grown-up hobbit and so I'll tell it straight, leaving out all innuendos and euphemisms... No, maybe I won't. You being a lifelong celibate and all... I don't want to shock you with anything too graphic..."
"Oh Bilbo! Just get on with it!"
"Well, it all began one evening while I was slinking around the halls and passages of the Elven King's Halls. I mean to say, how on earth could I have known that that little out of the way passageway led down to the bathing pool? The Forbidden Bathing Pool"?"
"Speak on," Frodo exclaimed, suddenly very interested.
And so Bilbo spoke on...

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:11 pm

Gandalfs Beard

Ah dueling chapters is it Odo? Laughing I thought you were writing the Galadriel version of the tale . I'm already working on my Chapter 2, but knock yourself out. My version is more LotRish drama (with as much "appropriate" humour as I can muster) rather than Naughty Hobbit Spoof. Though you have apparently anticipated The Forbidden Bathing Pool Surprised Razz (not to mention a line or two regarding Beren and Luthien and Aragorn and Arwen Rolling Eyes , curse you Laughing ).

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:11 pm


Great stuff so far. GB, I'm looking forward to Chapter 2. :mrgreen: Laughing

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:11 pm

Odo Banks

Do your best buddy boy! Let's see this 'fabled' Chapter 2 before you begin to bag! A chapter on the page is worth two in the imagination.

(Hey! I might even write something serious and confound you all!)

As to this being your 'thread': well, you shouldn't have put it somewhere I could get at it, now should you? Twisted Evil (Presumably you don't have kids!)

Anyhow, enough of foreplay, I'll throw down the gauntlet. Take it up if you dare!

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:14 pm

Gandalfs Beard

Chapter Two

Both Hobbits—the Elder and the Younger—sat on a low cushioned bench against the starboard railing of the stern. Bilbo reached into his cloak and pulled out a parcel of food, a jug of Elf-Wine, two cups, and his pipe. Striking his flint, he lit the pipe and was soon puffing smoke rings.

After a short spell, a ham and cheese sandwich, an apple, a pork pie, a boiled egg, and several cups of Elf-Wine, the two Hobbits relaxed, their pipe smoke blowing towards the Bow. They gazed at the horizon as contentment settled and the chill of the air no longer bit their cheeks.

The only sound was the flapping of the sails and the waves against the sides of the ship. There were a few Elves at the bow of the vessel, but if they spoke their voices were carried away by the wind. Gandalf was nowhere to be seen.

Tentatively, Bilbo began his Tale.

“You remember how I found the Ring don’t you Frodo?”
“Of course I do, Uncle.”
“Well…Hmmm…er…well, there was a chapter or two I left out of There and Back Again.” Frodo’s jaw dropped in astonishment. He thought he knew everything there was to know about the Tale.

“Does this have something to do with the Ring? Now that it has been destroyed and its curse lifted, there is surely nothing that can come between us.”
“No, Frodo. It’s not got anything to do with the Ring…well, I mean…not directly (though it does play a small part)…indeed, without it…erm…well…” sputtered Bilbo.
“Do get on with it Uncle.” giggled Frodo. Bilbo pulled him-self together, sat up straight, fixed on Frodo intently with his eyes, then with calmness and authority he cleared his throat and began again.

“Without the Ring, my dear boy, you would have never existed. Indeed, I am more at fault than you could ever know for your sorrows. It all began as I was looking for those wretched Dwarves (confound them) in the dungeons of Thranduil, King of the Mirkwood Elves, and legolas’s father—you know…that fellow did have his cantankerous moments—In any case, I was lost.”

“I stumbled around the hallways for hours trying to find where those dratted Dwarves had got themselves imprisoned. I thought I had finally got the right of it when I entered a small Cavern. I turned a corner, and, all of a sudden, I saw the most stunning sight—a glittering, beautiful, and diamond emblazoned Grotto. Steam rose from the burbling water. I stood there enchanted, lost in a timeless reverie. I thought…well…” Bilbo’s face flushed again.

“I thought I was alone—I mean how was I to know—The Forbidden Pool—really, who wouldn’t be entranced by such beauty?” his face turned even redder. “As my eye wandered around The Enchanted Grotto, a movement caught my attention—ripples in the water just past a jutting rocky ledge. As my heart thumped so loud I was certain I would be discovered, the most beautiful Elven Lass I had ever seen (she could have put Lady Arwen to shame) emerged, dripping, from water, entirely in a state of…erm…undress.”

“I was mortified. But I couldn’t look away; some kind of Force held me Petrified. As I watched (I know I shouldn’t have) she rose, floating into the air till her toes just barely touched the surface of the steaming water. She began to slowly spin, her eyes closed, and arms reaching for the heavens. The spinning picked up speed and the water rolled off her, like water off a duck’s back. Then…to my utter horror…she began to glide towards me.”

“Something clicked inside me. I came to, and panicking, scrambled wildly behind a rock. Of course it just happened to be the rock her bath-robe was behind. I trod on it just as it flew up to meet its owner. It pulled out from under my foot, sending me tumbling, face forward, to the ground. By the time I righted myself and turned over to face her, I was shocked to see her smiling down upon me, now swathed in her robes.”

“I couldn’t comprehend why she just floated there, continuing to smile at me. I was certain that any minute Elf Guards would arrive and roughly toss me into a cell all of my own. The moment seemed to linger for hours. Then she reached out with her hand, and I flinched. She caressed my cheek, and to my dismay, she planted a delicate kiss upon it.”

“’Dear Hobbit,’ she whispered, ’Do not be frightened. I knew you would eventually come to me.’ I was flabbergasted. ‘Wha…What do you mean…My Lady?’ I sputtered.”

“’I have foreseen this moment, the moment I would meet my betrothed, since I left the Undying Lands to help free Middle-Earth from Morgoth. I did not know when it would happen, but I knew…’” A Staggered Frodo interrupted Bilbo.

“What? Betrothed!!! What do you—did she—mean?” Frodo Gasped.
“Well, if I can continue, I’ll tell you,” Chuckled Bilbo. “I admit, I was as befuddled as you are now. She gave me a soft deep look such as I had never seen. She gave me another kiss—a peck more or less—on my lips, and said, ‘But not now, not in this place, Thranduil would not understand. We shall be together again my Beloved, but for now I shall help you find your friends.’”

“I thought her mad at the time. ‘Are you certain you’re alright?’ I muttered ‘Perhaps I should call for some help for you.’ She laughed, looked at me with concern. ‘They would likely kill you right where you stand if they found you here at the Sacred Grotto. No my Dear Sweet Hobbit, I shall help you. Here is a symbol of the Truth of my Love for you.’ Then she gave me this.”

Bilbo opened his hand, and Frodo, awestruck, gazed at the silver and diamond clasp in it, gleaming in the Morning Sun.


PS: You are absolutely welcome to post away Odo :mrgreen: . I look forward to it. I love your brilliant sense of humour and wish I could write something equally witty. There is no reason we can't post parallel versions 8-) . It should be entertaining for all.

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:14 pm

Odo Banks

Gosh! That was quick! I've never seen someone pick up a gauntlet that quick before! Maybe I was a bit hasty with my bragging....

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:15 pm

Gandalfs Beard

Yes, I spent last night and this morning composing it on my Word program :ugeek: (when I should have been sleeping Rolling Eyes ). I must admit, the inspiration is perhaps my own identification with Bilbo's character Embarassed . Who wouldn't want to be Chosen by a Lovely Elf Lass

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:15 pm

Odo Banks

These things can be a bit addictive if you're that way inclined. Love what you've done. I'm gonna go away and have a think (gotta get my hair cut), and I see I'll have to make choices. Either follow you line or do this parallel thing of which you speak! Bilbo did do a similar thing. He originally told Gandalf and the dwarves a "nicer' version of his meeting with Gollum under the Misty Mountains. Maybe you're writing the 'censored' version? Anyhow, you haven't heard the last of me on this. (As to Bilbo and Galadriel. Yes, work needs to be done there too! Twisted Evil )

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:16 pm

Odo banks

Yes, while you're not always totally dependable due to your innate liberalism, I still know I can trust you on the really big ticket issues!

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:17 pm


More good stuff! Poor Frodo seems to be getting hit a bit hard by all this new information.

'I must admit, the inspiration is perhaps my own identification with Bilbo's character '

Isn't it a good if you have a hero who everyone wants to be (just like)? Laughing Razz

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:19 pm

Odo Banks

Bilbo quickly becomes a much more multifaceted modern-age character than we ever thought. Maybe some of those Literarti Types will begin to come over. You know who I mean, those critics who get off on impenetrable arty-farty books like Ulysses by James Joyce.The ones Tolkien despised - as do I! Eegad! Let's not make Bilbo too modern if it invites those kind of people!

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:20 pm

Gandalfs Beard

No Fear Odo. Not in my Fan Fic <img src='/images/smileys/wink.gif' border='0' alt='Wink Smilie' /> . I was just pointing out on another forum earlier today, that Tokien, for all his conceit that he was the "Translator" of Middle-Earth lore, was no Post-Modernist. So there will be none of it in my homage to the Master.

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:20 pm


This story is great!!!!!!!!! Keep going u 2!
And perhaps, if ur willing to make this a totally wacky story, u could incorporate a very jealous pining elvish prince??????? that would spice things up! Laughing

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:21 pm

Gandalfs Beard

Well, my version isn't going to be too wacky Tinuviel, I'm trying to play it straight . But it's remarkable how you and Odo have rumbled some of my planned plot points. You guys must be psychic (or you've just read a lot of Archetypal Fantasy Stories Razz ).

By the way I'm going to be busy for a few days, so Chapter 3 might not be ready till sometime this weekend.

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:21 pm

Odo Banks

Well, I'm leaving the floor for you to dance on GB. Don't be too long about Chapter Three, though. You cunningly left it at the moment where all the real sauce begins! More sauce, I say, more sauce!


NB I'm busy on LotRizing The Hobbit as you know! But I'll keep an eye out on what you're doing, in case there's some more ideas I can stea... enjoy.

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:22 pm

Odo Banks

Patiently waiting, GB...patiently waiting....


NB I'm not all that patient though....

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:22 pm

Gandalfs Beard

Here you go Odo Laughing .

Chapter 3

Frodo took the silver and diamond clasp. It was shaped like interlocking leaves, reminding him strongly of the Leaves of Lorien. He passed it back to Bilbo, and puzzlement furrowed his brow. There was something odd about Bilbo’s revised story.

“Uncle, how did she…the Elf…”
“Lady Itaril,” interrupted Bilbo.
“…Itaril then. How did the Lady Itaril see you? I thought you were invisible the entire time you were working out how to free the Dwarves from the Elf King’s dungeons.”

Bilbo looked sheepishly at Frodo, hemming and hawing as he considered his words.
“Well…you know…as I said—harumph—I…er, did leave out some bits of the story before. And as much as I enjoyed that Ring and its powers, I always felt a little nervous about wearing it for any extended length of time. I suppose I was afraid if I wore it too long I might never become visible again. So, when I was certain I was alone, I would take it off. But it didn’t seem particularly relevant, so I left it out of the story.”

Light dawned on Frodo, and he smiled to himself. So that was why it had taken an apparently Invisible Bilbo several weeks to free the Dwarves.

“In any case,” Bilbo hurried on anxiously, “Lady Itaril introduced herself to me, and…er…showed me the right way to the dungeons…”
“And the underground stream, and the wine cellars?” snickered Frodo.
“Yes…yes,” snapped Bilbo. Then he sighed resignedly. “Yes, alright, not quite the Heroic Tale you remember, but…”
“It’s alright Uncle,” laughed Frodo, “You risked life and limb, and frankly, it was even more heroic of you to have attempted the rescue without using the Ring as much as you would have liked.”

Bilbo brightened up at that, reassured. He hadn’t considered that angle before. Confidence regained, he continued his story.

“Well then, Lady Itaril met with me several times in secret and helped me plan the escape. It was she who helped distract the Guards in the end. I still didn’t really believe the whole ‘betrothed’ bit, thought she was perhaps just a wee bit eccentric. But, I was enraptured with her nonetheless, and who am I to argue with an Elf (especially such a beautiful and enchanting one)?”

“The morning before I packed the Dwarves in the barrels, Itaril took me aside. ‘We shall not be parted long Dear One,’ she began, ‘Your quest will bring us together again before you return to the Shire. This much I know. I must prepare myself and make plans for our betrothal. It will not be an easy task to convince my kin-folk. Yet we are as bound together as ever were Beren and Luthien.’ And with that she kissed me…not a peck such as before…nor the sort of sloppy wet kiss that might prelude a…er…sordidly casual encounter, but a Deep Kiss of such Passion and Grace that parting from it seemed to rend my very heart from my body. When I bade her farewell, I was finally convinced that we were intended.”

“I couldn’t bear leaving after that, but that kiss kept me warm all the way to Lake-Town.” Bilbo finished dreamily. Frodo allowed him a few moments of reverie, before prodding him to continue the story.

“Well, I didn’t see Lady Itaril again until after The Battle of Five Armies. And I was desperately anxious for her, as she had revealed to me that she was a Warrior-Elf whose duty was to be the Elf-King’s royal guard. I was very relieved to find her unharmed but for a few nicks and bruises as Gandalf and I rode back to Mirkwood with the Elf-King. She smiled at me warmly, then rode forward and leaned in to speak with Thranduil in hushed tones.”

“I must say, the Elf-King’s son Legolas, practically smirked as he watched Itaril fall back beside Gandalf, myself and Beorn. I know she hadn’t told them the Truth, but clearly that rapscallion Legolas was suspicious.” Bilbo chuckled as he reminisced.

“She told us that Thranduil had given her the honour of being my personal escort back to the Shire or whither I might go, in gratitude for my small part in re-forging old alliances. So after parting from the company of Elves, she continued on with us to Beorn’s”

“While we wintered at Beorn’s, we grew very close, and Itaril would steal to my room after all were asleep. We conversed about many things, shared Elf-Wine and laughter, and…erm…snuggled by the blazing fire.”
“Snuggled?” giggled Frodo, “I didn’t know Elves ‘snuggled’.” Smirking, Frodo gentled poked his Uncle in the ribs. “Though for some reason I occasionally get the impression that Galadriel might be up for a bit of ‘snuggling’.”

Bilbo looked horrified and quickly scanned the deck for any nearby Elves.
“Ssssh!” he hushed Frodo. “’tis no joking matter (especially as far as Lady Galadriel is concerned). Don’t let the other Elves hear you saying such unseemly things. Come now, let’s get some lunch and I’ll tell you some more a bit later.”

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:22 pm

Odo Banks

I have absolutely no idea where you are going to take this... but I'm keen to know.

I want more, sir, I want more!

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:23 pm

Gandalfs Beard

I'll do my best to keep installments coming regularly Odo . I should be able to manage three a week. I'm not really certain how long this will take to tell, as my outline is minimal. But I want to do the original source material as much justice as I can muster, and I don't want to rush things.

So, I know basically where I'm going, and a few of the stops along the way, but not precisely what path I am taking Rolling Eyes . But I am committed to seeing this through.

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:24 pm


Wonderful GB! I especially liked the little Legolas bit (and the Galadriel one!) Laughing Laughing Laughing

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:24 pm

Gandalfs Beard

Thanks Tinuviel :mrgreen: . Alrighty, on to chapter 4:

Chapter 4

Galadriel smiled at Frodo from across the table. He squirmed uncomfortably and smiled wanly back. It was one of her “special” smiles, he was certain. Whenever Gandalf, Bilbo, Celeborn, or the other Elves were looking her expression was as inscrutable as a Wizard’s. Yet whenever Frodo caught her eye she smiled with that knowing, and fleetingly passionate sidelong glance.

Sam hadn’t believed a word of it. “It’s your imagination Mr. Frodo, o’ course you feel special when she looks at you. She’s an Elf-Queen.” He would say. Frodo finished his second platter of Roast Venison, Bacon, Mashed Potatoes, Shire Puddings, Gondoran Sourdough Rolls, Peas, Carrots, and Gravy without daring to look up again. He washed it down with several tankards of Elf-Wine. Hearing Gandalf laugh aloud, Frodo looked over at him and Bilbo who seemed to have just finished telling a joke.

Frodo caught Gandalf’s eye, and Gandalf winked back at him merrily. Bilbo, Frodo and Gandalf climbed the steps at the back of the dining cabin to the deck above. The wind was up, stronger than the morning one driving the ship ever Westward. Clouds were moving in from the South, a smallish one temporarily obscuring the afternoon sun.

The Wizard and Hobbits lit their pipes and leaned over the railing observing the approaching cloud bank.

“It looks like we might have a rough evening ahead, friends. I hope you and Bilbo have your sea-legs by now Frodo. Frodo…Frodo, are you listening?” Frodo started, never had he been so inattentive to Gandalf before. Gandalf’s expression was quizzical.

“It must be the Pipe-Weed,” murmured Frodo, embarrassed. “Very potent.” he added. In truth, he couldn’t stop thinking about Itaril and Bilbo. For the first time in his life Frodo couldn’t wait for Gandalf to leave him and Bilbo alone, so he could hear the rest of the tale.

The minutes seemed to stretch on into hours, but finally Frodo and Bilbo were alone again.

“Let’s see,” began Bilbo, “where was I? Oh yes, cuddling Itaril on those long winter nights at Beorn’s. She told me her story; her parents had long passed on to the Halls of Mandos after being killed in one of the skirmishes with Morgoth. She was alone now, her closest kin still in Middle-Earth being the House of Thranduil, cousins several times removed.”

“They took her in, and eventually, after proving herself time and time again in battles with the Goblins and Fell Beasts of Dol Guldur, Itaril was honoured with a post as an elite member of Thranduil’s personal Guard. Despite this, Itaril told me she had always felt apart from the rest.”

“The other Mirkwood Elves never quite accepted her as one of them. Only Legolas and Thranduil took to Itaril without reserve. Andruil, Legolas’s half-brother…” Bilbo registered Frodo’s shocked expression as he opened his mouth to interrupt. He raised his hands gesturing to stop, and hurried on before Frodo could get in a word. “Don’t ask, that’s a story all in itself Frodo. Surely you want to hear the rest of this one first. There will plenty of time for others on this voyage.”

Frodo deflated and Bilbo continued.
“Anyway, Legolas’s half-brother Andruil, was also a member of the Elf-King’s Guard and apparently had long nursed a grudge against Legolas and was increasingly embittered that Thranduil would not acknowledge him as a legitimate son…” Frodo again tried to interject.

“Bother it,” grumbled Bilbo, “alright…alright. In brief, Andruil’s mother was Thranduil’s second wife, taken many years after Legolas’s mother was killed in battle with the Necromancer’s forces. That’s all you really need to know for now…oh, and that Thranduil could not acknowledge Andruil as a legitimate heir without risking his alliance with the family of Legolas’s mother. Of course everyone knew Andruil was the King’s son, but he couldn’t be recognized as Prince unless Legolas was killed in battle. Only then would he be an official heir.”

“In any case, Thranduil loved Andruil very much and didn’t like to play favourites, so he gave Andruil a post in his Royal Guard (it really is the Highest Honour among Elves you know), and always tried to treat him fairly. Nevertheless, Andruil developed quite a chip on his shoulder. And it didn’t help when Itaril became favoured by the Elf-King.”

“Itaril, Legolas, and his father were thick as thieves, and it was rumoured for a time that Thranduil was grooming them for marriage. But Legolas was resistant, many thought because he was quite the playboy (for an Elf—though that says a lot coming from Mirkwood Elves).” Bilbo chuckled at that.

“Itaril revealed to me that she was certain that Legolas could sense her fealty to another. But, no matter what they did or didn’t do, Andruil continued to harbour resentments. Itaril could not find peace, and often bore the brunt of Andruil’s barbs.”

“At the time Itaril asked to be my personal Guard, Andruil had been sowing many seeds of accusations against her with Thranduil. She knew that to openly declare herself betrothed to a Hobbit would be impossible, far more so than even if I had been a Man of Numenorean descent.”

“And thus, Itaril’s plan was a success…at least for a while anyway. After winter had passed Gandalf took me aside one fine spring morning, larks singing and forest flowers blooming. He studied me intently for a moment; then winked at me, his face crinkling into a smile. ‘We ought to make haste for Rivendell and then off home Bilbo, but for now we must part. You have another task to complete before you leave these lands.’ I was flabbergasted.

“’But Gandalf, what else is there to do,’ I cried ‘I have done all that you asked and more. Smaug is dead, and the old alliances re-forged, and—according to you—the Necromancer has been driven from Mirkwood.’
‘Bilbo, the task before you is your own. The Lady Itaril will guide you on this part of the journey. It is for you and her alone. I shall meet you again when you pass through The House of Elrond, and see you and Itaril back to the Shire.’”

“So clearly Gandalf knew something was up, in fact he seemed (and still does) to know more about my destiny than I did (and do) myself. Well, he is a Wizard after all.” Frodo was rapt, not wanting Bilbo to stop. He was awoken from his enchantment by a big fat raindrop on his nose.

While Bilbo had been telling the tale, the cloudbank had gathered above them and swiftly become a storm-front. An Elf-Sailor approached them bearing a tarp and weatherproofed cloaks.

“You are both fine here for the time being,” said the Elf. ”We will be traveling along the edge of this storm for a while yet. But when the waves come up, it will be time to retreat to your cabin.” And with that, the Hobbits covered up and gleefully witnessed the spectacle of Nature as the rain began to fall in earnest.

Bilbo excitedly continued his story.
“I really had very little idea of what was going on. Gandalf departed that morning, and bewildered, I approached Itaril. She laughed in that musical way that only an Elf in love can.”

“‘Mithrandir is wise indeed. Yes Bilbo, we must journey back through the forest to the Mirkwood Mountains and find the Enchanted Falls that feeds the Enchanted Stream. There, under the Full Moon, in that Sacred Place, can we consummate our betrothal. Then shall we be bound in the Grace of Eru, and none may challenge us, Elf, Man, or Hobbit.’”

“So, we packed our bags, told Beorn that we would be passing back through in a month or so, and we were off on Horseback, heading back into Mirkwood. Oh Mirkwood is gorgeous in the Spring Frodo, especially with most of the Fell Creatures driven out. Butterflies flitted to and fro amongst the flowers, pink, and gold, and amethyst, and turquoise, all the colours of the rainbow.”

There was a loud peal of thunder, and lightning lit up the deck. A wave crested on the port side washing across the deck and rocking the ship. The Hobbits were drenched. Frodo looked disappointed.
“Well that was quicker than we were led to believe Uncle. We should head below.”
“What…because of this little shower?” Bilbo grumbled.
“It’s not safe now Bilbo. Come on.”
“Bah, I’ve seen worse than this you know.”
“Yes, but that was on land Uncle.” Replied Frodo; his eyes rolling. “This is far too dangerous for us.” And indeed, an Elf came up at that very moment and urged the Hobbits down below.

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:25 pm

Odo Banks

Ha! You're certainly not understating the case! And this Enchanted Source of an Enchanted Stream - very interesting....!



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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:26 pm

Gandalfs Beard

Thanks Odo :mrgreen: .

I'm doing my best to keep everything in sync with canon. If you look at a map of Mirkwood, you will find Enchanted Stream which runs down from the Mirkwood Mts and feeds into Forest River right at the Halls of Thranduil (possibly feeding The Enchanted Grotto ). I think I probably invented Enchanted Falls, but as long as it doesn't directly contradict canon (at least not without a reasonable explanation, such as fibbing Hobbits or taciturn Elves), it should fit right in.

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The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril Empty Re: The Adventures of Bilbo and Itaril

Post by Old Forum Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:26 pm

Odo Banks

Are you turning into some kind of Tolkien Purist? Eegad!

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