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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Lorient Avandi Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:10 pm

Yea, I know what you mean. As I said on the Drinking thread, I used to live in Michigan. That was a big cultural shock whenni first moved there! Very Happy
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Orwell Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:26 pm

Lorient Avandi wrote:
I did not say that we are the only ones who condemn it.

That should be, "I did not "mean" that we are the only ones who condemn it."

Lorient Avandi wrote:
And we aren't, but it is much more excepted by the rest of the world.

That should be, "....but it is much more 'accepted' by the rest of the world." But still inaccurate and misleading.

Lorient Avandi wrote:
There are many people who condemn it, but not a great many groups any more.

Nonsense! There are still plenty of haters still in the world.

Lorient Avandi wrote:
It has become much more excepted and the people who do condemn it usually do so as individuals..

Nonsense. Individuals, yes, but most often as members of groups who go baa baa baa.

Lorient Avandi wrote:
Such as Catholics; the entire church is not against them but there are individuals in the church who are.

Yes, there are Moderates and Hardliners even in the Catholic Church.

Lorient Avandi wrote:
And I have met people who are much more religious than I am, especially in my church. I am by no means the least religious person in my church nor am i the most religious. There are a lot of people from other religions who are more religious than I am. You guys should seriously visit Utah sometime... If you think I'm religious, wait till you see some other people from here.

Read that again, Lorient. No need to comment, but you need to analyse what you just said if you want your ideas to be taken seriously.

Lorient you can hate whoever you like for whatever reason you want, but please think a bit more about how you put things. This is a seriously emotive issue, so pay people here the respect of actually THINKING out your thoughts a bit more before you start uttering them.

If you were to say the OT God hates homo's, I'd agree, He does.

If you were to say, "Jesus hates homo's", I'd have to ask, "Where does he say that?" I know Paul misliked homos, but I can't recall Jesus saying anything about it. This is not to say he didn't, I just don't recall him having a definite opinion on the subject.

I don't know what the God (Angel?) Mormon has to say, though. What's his view?

God's have a right to their opinions btw, I just don't necessarily agree with all of them.

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Lorient Avandi Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:26 pm

What was wrong with what I said? I didnt say anything about homosexuals in that post, let alone anything offensive. I dont really know what Mormon's view is on this, and we don't worship him. He's an angel, people gave us the nickname "Mormons" because of the Book of Mormon not because he's who we worship.
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Orwell Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:29 pm

Lorient Avandi wrote:What was wrong with what I said? I didnt say anything about homosexuals in that post, let alone anything offensive. I dont really know what Mormon's view is on this, and we don't worship him. He's an angel, people gave us the nickname "Mormons" because of the Book of Mormon not because he's who we worship.

Did you even read my last post? Shocked

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Lorient Avandi Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:37 pm

I did before it was edited, when it was only the bottom half. Do you just have a problem with me Orwell? Im definitely not the only one who makes grammar or spelling mistakes on Forumshire, not by a long shot. If you're going to target me for that stuff, say it to everyone else too.
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Orwell Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:42 pm

Lorient Avandi wrote:I did before it was edited, when it was only the bottom half. Do you just have a problem with me Orwell? Im definitely not the only one who makes grammar or spelling mistakes on Forumshire, not by a long shot. If you're going to target me for that stuff, say it to everyone else too.

That was not the heart of my post. I also did not edit, I removed then reposted it as it was (err --- Odo somehow got it posted under his name -- a technical glitch, I figure). "Excepted" has a clear meaning, and it annoyed me you using it wrongly in divisive posts of yours. Don't take it to heart, ol' son. Very Happy Homophobia is the issue here. If you are, fair enough, but don't pretend you're not - in a nut shell that's what I'm saying. Be honest. You're not the only homophobe in the Universe, but don't dance around the truth. I can live with both homophobes and homosexuals. Both are what they are, who am I to judge?

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Lorient Avandi Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:51 pm

I'm a homophobe, in the broadest sense of the word. I do not hate them and i can respect them. Not gonna take I to heart though. All homosexuals who I have personally come in contact with have been odd, to the point of me disliking them, but that is only 3 people. And it was for their qualities that had nothing to do with their sexuality.
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:04 am

Blimey things get heated and I'm not here to enjoy it! Um I mean take charge and moderate.
Lorient your views like everyones elses are most welcome. Please do not take disagreement with those views, no matter how vehmently or delibretly teasing (looking at you here Orwell) the responses might seem. They are not against you as a person. Personnel attacks are banned on the Serious Threads just to remind everyone. And I will display my Tyrannical side if need be to prevent it. Play the ball not the man to use a footballing term. Its fair game to debate viewpoints not the person who has them.

I think however Eldo has a point about perspectives and we are all subject to those. You Lorient seem to have grown up in what from my perseptive would be a religously prescribed atmosphere. Your family and Community therefore have proably gone a long way to shape your views just as mine has my views. But the wise person soon realises that taking a viewpoint on just becasue its the one you have always had or been taught is not necessarily always the best thing. Indulge youself in other viewpoints, other religions, secularist views, scientific views and balance them against what your upbringing presents. You will probaly find some things don't hold up to scrutiny in the cold light of day and others, particularly values as smaller religous communities often have excelelnt community ethics, do.
From a secular viewpoint one of the things I at least find disturbing when talking to religous people, especially younger ones, is how certain they are. Nobody should be young and certain really (or old and certain for that matter) youth simply don't generally know enough or have the expercience to justify it. And uncertainty isn't so bad. The first step to enlightment is realising you know next to nothing- thats how I view my own ideas at least. There is far, far, far more stuff in the universe I know nothing about than stuff I do, it would be hell of a arrogant to act with cerainty on anything therefore.
So for me the idea someone claims to know not just everything about how the universe came to be but who built it and exactly how they want us to live our lives seems not just unlikely but quite preposterous.

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Lorient Avandi Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:15 am

Did I ever claim to be certain? Or to know everything? Very Happy I don't know everything and I'm not certain of anything. I believe that the Bible andBoM are true but I don't know for certain, certainty may come with time though.
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:21 am

If you are not certain how can it be true? You'd have to be certain it was true, otherwise its just a maybe.

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Orwell Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:23 am

Pettytyrant101 wrote:Blimey things get heated and I'm not here to enjoy it! Um I mean take charge and moderate.
Lorient your views like everyones elses are most welcome. Please do not take disagreement with those views, no matter how vehmently or delibretly teasing (looking at you here Orwell) the responses might seem. They are not against you as a person. Personnel attacks are banned on the Serious Threads just to remind everyone. And I will display my Tyrannical side if need be to prevent it. Play the ball not the man to use a footballing term. Its fair game to debate viewpoints not the person who has them.

I think however Eldo has a point about perspectives and we are all subject to those. You Lorient seem to have grown up in what from my perseptive would be a religously prescribed atmosphere. Your family and Community therefore have proably gone a long way to shape your views just as mine has my views. But the wise person soon realises that taking a viewpoint on just becasue its the one you have always had or been taught is not necessarily always the best thing. Indulge youself in other viewpoints, other religions, secularist views, scientific views and balance them against what your upbringing presents. You will probaly find some things don't hold up to scrutiny in the cold light of day and others, particularly values as smaller religous communities often have excelelnt community ethics, do.
From a secular viewpoint one of the things I at least find disturbing when talking to religous people, especially younger ones, is how certain they are. Nobody should be young and certain really (or old and certain for that matter) youth simply don't generally know enough or have the expercience to justify it. And uncertainty isn't so bad. The first step to enlightment is realising you know next to nothing- thats how I view my own ideas at least. There is far, far, far more stuff in the universe I know nothing about than stuff I do, it would be hell of a arrogant to act with cerainty on anything therefore.
So for me the idea someone claims to know not just everything about how the universe came to be but who built it and exactly how they want us to live our lives seems not just unlikely but quite preposterous.

Since when were you the voice of reason here, Petty? Suspect

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:28 am

You like? I thought I'd try out my mod voice. Not sure it fits. Very Happy

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Orwell Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:31 am

Pettytyrant101 wrote:You like? I thought I'd try out my mod voice. Not sure it fits. Very Happy

Well, maybe if you created another personality, that's what i would do --- Hey, what about Eru? I'm sure He/She/It would be a good Moderator. Give Him/Her/It the Mod job. (You're not good at it, quite frankly). Nod

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Lorient Avandi Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:33 am

Ok, what's with all of these alternate personalities? Can I please be told who is who? As in which accounts are just being used by the same person?
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Orwell Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:36 am

Lorient Avandi wrote:Ok, what's with all of these alternate personalities? Can I please be told who is who? As in which accounts are just being used by the same person?

Scurrilous question, if ever I heard one! Mad

‘The streets of Forumshire must be Dominated!’
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by odo banks Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:38 am

He's getting even more outrageous by the second! Mad

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by janesmith Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:38 am

I do think now he can be a bit impertinent at times:-Jane
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Porgy Bunk-Banks Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:39 am

But you have to admit, Jane, his blatant heterosexuality is very alluring... Embarassed
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Biffo Banks Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:40 am

Ooo ee thin ee iz? Rolling Eyes
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Lorient Avandi Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:41 am

Come on it's not like I can't figure put several accounts are being used by the same person.

I was a baby when I learned to suck, but you have raised it to an art-form
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Lorient Avandi Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:42 am

Someone at least PM me about it...
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:49 am

We don't talk about that in polite society. I am of course unique, just ask my sister.

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by The Archet Bugle Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:50 am


Young Forumshire resident Lorient Avandi has offended the sensibilities of ALL Forumshire folk by asking positively UN-HEARD-OF questions.

Odo Banks: His unrespectabilty was certainly showing.

AllY: I used to think him a polite young man.

Kafria: I'd teach him, and not in a nice way!

Tin: I wonder if he ever went to Our Lady's? I shouldn't think so.

GB: I'm not drownded, I say.

Petty: Talk bout make you crabbit.

Ringdrotten: What we do on manoevres is surely OUR business!

Squach: What are you talking about?

Lorient: I didn't mean anything by what I said...

Eldo: What do you think, Baingil?

Baingil: Well, it's a Free Spirits Forum, so I guess we must put up with these kinds of scurrilous questions from time to time.

Amarie: This is just the kind of question I would make to undermine Forumshire. We just don't tolerate questions like Lorient's at Dark Planet...

Elthir: If it wasn't about Elves - or genuine Tolkien matters - I'm just not interested.

Orwell: I'm offended, didn't I already say so?

Biffo Banks: Oy....

Mirabella: I'll make a comment presently.

Wisey Banks: The little wretch should get stretched!

Porgy Bunk-Banks: I don't mind heterosexuals at all...

Janesmith: He's only young. Perhaps I could nrol him in Manners Class.

Odo Banks: A Respectability Class wouldn't hurt either!

The jury is in, I see. Admin - do your job! That's what The Bugle says. Rebuke the boy!

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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Mirabella Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:53 am

Lorient Avandi wrote:Someone at least PM me about it...

Doubt nothing, Lorient, that's all I can say. Oh yes, and pay close attention... Paying atttention often helps people answer their own questions.... I will say no more.

{{{{{Oh Petty, your sister... I was wondering... could you PM her private address to me... Ironic I should ask, really, on this of all threads... Embarassed}}}}}
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Homosexuality - Page 2 Empty Re: Homosexuality

Post by Lorient Avandi Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:54 am

Uh, oh Shocked
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