I hate 3D

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I hate 3D Empty I hate 3D

Post by Ihate3D Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:07 am

new poster here...hi everyone

just got back from seeing "the battle..." and I am really upset with 3D!!!! The person I was with went to see another movie and I opted to view the hobbit in 3D cause the timing was good for both of us. This movie shouldn't be made for 3D viewing!!!???

background about me (to justify my rant): over the past few months i've watched the first two hobbits around 4 hours per day. want proof?

-see little people doubles at wood elf dinner and running through goblin "town"
-dwalin has a six pack, see when negotiating with bard
-fili left his pipe at the rocks where they encounter bard, see beginning of scene when bolg arrives there
-bilbo's hair should be wet when talking to gandalf about courage just outside the forest entrance
-fili cracks a smile (well sorta) at someone on set when bofur tells kili to "wait here" before going to grab some herbs
-bombur (my fav) doesn't have a line
-bolg is greenish in color during a scene that shows him and other orcs running down stream to chase the hobbits
-and on and on and on

look people, i know the first two movies inside and out...i know what to expect. and i have to say that i am terribly disappointed in the 3D viewing of this movie. I am suggesting that option shouldn't be allowed. Also, is it just me or did the third movie suck?!?!?! I couldn't pay attention really because i was so distracted by the awful 3D! but it seemed terribly rushed...to many "oh my" moments...unrealistic (yes i went there)...and on and on and on

i realize that i haven't taken the time to properly articulate why i am upset, but deal with it for now.

I hate 3D


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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by halfwise Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:19 am

Well hello IH3D!  Wave Welcome to Forumshire!

You won't find much argument here about problems with the last movie, because most of us here didn't like any of them.   Some nice bits here and there interspersed with gratuitous bunny sleds and big bald orcs.

I'm curious as to what you feel justified 3D in the first two movies but not in this one?  If anything I thought the large scale of the battle plus the attack on Laketown made it a somewhat worthwhile call compared to the other movies, which usually didn't have much use for it.  I doubt the technology would be any different between the movies because it was one long filming session, so if you liked it in some but not the others it must be context.

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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:44 am

Welcome to Forumshire IH3D.

You watch TH films four times a day Shocked is that some sort of mental self flagellation treatment?

As to the question of if the 3rd movie sucked- well of course it did, so did the first two why expect it to change at the very last?

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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Eldorion Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:18 am

I guess you didn't view the first two movies in 3D? Actually, I ended up in a similar position: I saw BOFA in 3D due to scheduling necessities after having managed to avoid the format the previous two years. I've never enjoyed 3D -- I don't find it immersive, it makes the image fuzzier and darker, and it sometimes gives me a headache -- but none of those problems were unique to TH. To be honest, I thought the 3D in BOFA was pretty unobtrusive throughout, which is supposedly the point nowadays, except that I don't think it's subtly adding anything (except to the price of the ticket).
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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:30 pm

3D sux in general. the only time I have ever enjoyed it is when I watched Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton. that was oooh-ahhh! worthy, magical and lovely. the worst was The Deathly Hallows 1&2, it was like looking at a pitch black Mark Rothko painting with just nuances of black and being asked to interpret it.
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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Ihate3D Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:31 pm

Hi… Thank you for the welcome.  Before I respond, please allow me to present my thoughts more clearly.  I had rushed to post yesterday while in a poor emotional state, ha.

Basically, I went to see The Battle of the Five Armies yesterday and was terribly disappointed.  I am no critic and poorly educated regarding film, literature, acting, etc.  I don’t own a television.  I rarely go to the movies.  I only read books for financial reasons.  …  However, I am an expert of sorts in The Hobbit viewing.

Anyway, I have never seen the first two films in 3D and wasn’t suggesting that only the third movie be avoided for 3D viewing.  I can say with certainty, though, that my experience yesterday was awful.  The characters did not blend well with the computer animated background.  Smaug looked like a fourth-graders sketch. … Be that as it may, I’m over the 3D issue and will eventually view the movie again.

I am actually okay with the rabbit sled because of these lines, “These are Gundabad Wargs; they will outrun you.  These are Rustabell Rabbits.  I’d like to see them try.”  Also, we got to see some very impressive, scenic beauty during the chase.

Now, for the real discussion.  (Again, I am no expert.)  The third installment of The Hobbit sucked, I’m afraid.  Random thoughts coming at you:

-What a beautiful scene, RUINED!!  I am speaking of the scene in which Thorin comes to his senses while walking on gold.  We do not need to see him being swallowed up by the gold, THAT’S NONSENSE.  Also, I think his face was on the screen sideways during that scene also, THAT’S NONSENSE.  It is a wonderful scenic shot in which a decent actor could have done the job himself, but instead they took it way to far with the NONSENSE!
-I do like how Thorin “quotes” Smaug, but his voice is over the top.  His voice during the “blindness” period is over the top in general.  I am disappointed that someone didn’t step in and say, THAT’S NONSENSE!
-I am disappointed that Beorn didn’t get a more well thought out or bigger role.  There is no one more deserving of taking a shot at Azog than Beorn!  Instead they have him jump off a flippin eagle and run mindlessly through orc swords.
-There are way too many orcs!!! Come on!  Also, do orcs really die that easily?!!?  Come on!
-What the hell is going on with the tea talk between Thorin and his cousin “other dwarf leader guy” in the middle of this terribly uphill battle!!!
-Yes, Fili and Kili absolutely deserved to die.  They were immature and by no means warriors, though they may have had talent.  Thank you, I am glad they died.
-Legolas vs Bolg???  Come on, that was way over the top.  Nobody could do that…not even Legolas.  Why can’t they just keep it simple.  It’s amazing enough that Legolas kills Bolg!!!!!
-What’s up with the golden bell thingy breaking down the stone wall and then the stone wall forms a perfect freaking bridge!!  What’s up with Legolas jumping off the tower onto giant bro and then steering it around like a car and then knocking down the tower to a perfect freaking bride!!!!
-Why doesn’t Bilbo give Thorin the damn stone!!  I want to slap Bilbo!
-Why does Alfred become a complete “butt end of the joke” time and time again????  It’s not that funny!
-I am flipping out right now!!!!!!
-What’s with Thorins cousin delivering that pathetic speech to the elves, Come on!!!  Think up better lines, have a better delivery.  Was there a joke in there right at the end….AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!  I am going crazy right now!  Why did he make a joke in one of the most dangerous moments of his existence!!
-Can we have a little more insight as to what the hell is going on with Sarun and the nine ghost dudes!!!!  What the hell!!!!  Why do they just battle!!!  The whole movie!!!  It’s too much Battle!!!!
-Why did every scene seem so short with no real, normal dialogue!!!
-Are those damn worms necessary!!!!  Why don’t the orcs just walk over the hill…they just walked no telling how many miles!!!
-Can everyone please recognize Bilbo when he returns home!!!! Although I do like how the auctioneer says, “everything appears to be in order” when looking at the contract…as Balin did in the first movie.
-Can Gandalf not call Bilbo a liar when he says he lost the ring!!!!
-Can the main dwarves not put on freaking helmets before they rush into a crowd of orcs!!!
-Why did Bofur not have a helmet on when they were getting dressed up!!!
-Where is the FFOOOOOD!!!!  Does anyone eat anymore!
-How flippin cold is it up there where Azog was!!!  
-What happen to Taureil at the very end!!!
-Does Radagast have anymore lines or does he just fly around on big bird!!!
-I am so upset right now!!!!
-What the hell was Dwalin doin while Thorin was fighting Azog!!

I have to stop.  I’m going to take some klonopin.

I hate 3D


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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Pettytyrant101 Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:58 pm

From what you say I assume you have never read the book.
I would recommend doing so as it answers some of your points- and most of what you dont like isnt in the book and they made up anyway.

To address some of your points-

'I am disappointed that Beorn didn’t get a more well thought out or bigger role. There is no one more deserving of taking a shot at Azog than Beorn!'

Beorn is indeed hugely short changed- in the book his appearance on the battlefield is the decisive turning pointof the battle, he kills Bolg's bodyguard and Bolg who has just killed Thorin (there is no Azog in the book bar a mention of his name as he has been dead a long time) and Beorn carries Thorins body from the field.

'Yes, Fili and Kili absolutely deserved to die. They were immature and by no means warriors, though they may have had talent. Thank you, I am glad they died.'

Fili and Kili die alongside Thorin in the book, falling whilst heroically defending Thorins body from the orcs before Beorn shows up. There is no Tauriel.

'Why doesn’t Bilbo give Thorin the damn stone!! I want to slap Bilbo!'

In the film because Smaug warns him it would destroy Thorin, and because Balin confirms this. Its different in the book.

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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by halfwise Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:12 pm

IH3D: I'm still wondering how you could find gaping holes in the 3rd movie and not notice them in the first two. You can read back through voluminous posts in this forum where many people have basically said the same things about the first two movies that you said about the third.

Leaving aside differences from the book as a separate subject, we have:

• Dwarves don't have to wear helmets to enter battle because we have established in the first two films that they bounce like rubber balls.
• Of course dwarves and elves can magically construct bridges: weren't you watching what went on in the Goblin caves or during the barrel ride?
• What do you mean Fili and Kili weren't warriors? Didn't you see them wailing on those trolls in the first movie? They would have totally had them if Bilbo hadn't been caught, causing them to lay down weapons.
• Better lines? I don't even know where to start....

Anyway, the last movie was only to be expected from the first two. And all are incomparably bad compared to Lord of the Rings, which many of us still have issues with regardless.

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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Ihate3D Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:46 pm

^^ good points. perhaps I had become overly comfortable with the first two movies.

you're certainly right, dwarves don't die from blunt impact...elves and the dwarves are sooo lucky with regard to balance/timing

oh well, i think it's time for me to close this chapter of my life. I moving on to something else. thanks to the responders! I'm going to get some girlfriends now.

best wishes to all.


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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by halfwise Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:57 pm


Best of luck with the girls. Unlike movies, it's best not to analyze them though - just take them as themselves and be amused rather than irate at the parts you disagree with. Wink

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:34 pm

Thumbs Up well said Halfy
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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Mrs Figg Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:36 pm

''The whole movie!!! It’s too much Battle!!!! '' IH3D

yup that just about sums it up right there. Nod Too much Battle.

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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by halfwise Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:39 pm

Mrs Figg wrote:  Thumbs Up Well said, Halfy.

Well, I just accept ahead of time that women are wacked-out spazzbots. Nod   But maybe she's my wacked-out spazzbot. I love you

Halfwise, son of Halfwit. Brother of Nitwit, son of Halfwit. Half brother of Figwit.
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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Forest Shepherd Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:23 am

I haven't seen any of the Hobbit films in 3d. In fact, I can't remember seeing anything in 3d since Avatar, although I know I have seen something or other with the nerd-glasses on since then...

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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by bungobaggins Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:52 pm

I saw DOS in HFR 3D, didn't do much for me. Just looked like a BBC production. I have no interest in seeing BOFA again in the theater, 3D or otherwise.

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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Forest Shepherd Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:20 pm

I like BBC productions!

"The earth was rushing past like a river or a sea below him. Trees and water, and green grass, hurried away beneath. A great roar of wild animals rose as they rushed over the Zoological Gardens, mixed with a chattering of monkeys and a screaming of birds; but it died away in a moment behind them. And now there was nothing but the roofs of houses, sweeping along like a great torrent of stones and rocks. Chimney-pots fell, and tiles flew from the roofs..."
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I hate 3D Empty Re: I hate 3D

Post by Sinister71 Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:46 pm

Finally someone else who uses the word NONSENSE when talking about Peter Jackson's Hobbit films

well you know what they say, "If you can't say anything nice, Don't say anything at all"

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