Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Elthir Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:57 pm

Due to a special request from the horse in my head (yes the grey one), here is a new thread.

What about Elfwine and the Silmarillion?

First, the evidence for Elfwine in the 1958-ish phase comes (at least) from the introductory notes to later work on the Narn.

Christopher Tolkien explains that the notes appear to have been written after The Lord of the Rings was published, connecting them to later work on the Narn. He remarks (The War of the Jewels): 'It is therefore very notable that at this relatively late date he was propounding such a view of the 'transmission' of the Narn i Chin Hurin (in contrast to the statement cited in X. 373, that the 'three Great Tales must be Numenorean, and derived from matter preserved in Gondor.'

Elfwine even explains (version B) that he had help from Elves, and made notes 'according to such lore as I found in Eressea.' Well, it's not Quenta Silmarillion proper, but the suggestion is there that this type of transmission goes for the Silmarillion related texts.


In the Foreword to The Book of Lost Tales Christopher Tolkien noted that he believed presenting the Silmarillion in 1977 without any framework was an error, and adds:

'In the original edition of The Lord of the Rings Bilbo gave to Frodo at Rivendell as his parting gift 'some books of lore that he had made at various times, written in his spidery hand, and labelled on their red backs: Translations from the Elvish, by B. B.'

In the second edition (1966) 'some books' was changed to 'three books', and in the Note on the Shire Records added to the Prologue in that edition my father said that the content of the 'the three large volumes bound in red leather' was preserved in that copy of the Red Book of Westmarch which was made in Gondor by the King's Writer Findegil in the year 172 of the Fourth Age;...'

And then he notes the added information (second edition) that Bilbo's work was almost entirely concerned with the Elder Days. I'll return to this later. Maybe.

Christopher Tolkien then agrees with Robert Foster that Quenta Silmarillion was no doubt included in Bilbo's work, and says:

'So also I have assumed (...) but apart from the evidence cited here there is, so far as I know, not other statement anywhere in my father's writings; and (wrongly as I think now) I was reluctant to step into the breach and make definite what I only surmised.'

My point here is, even after the expansion of the second edition Christopher Tolkien was a bit reluctant to make this definite. It seems he would do so 'now', yes, but I guess it says something about the evidence of this matter given his original choice.

Outside of Tolkien's writings, Richard Plotz interviewed Tolkien in November 1966, and reported:

'... he, half-heartedly I suppose, was thinking up schemes for rendering the Silmarillion publishable. So far, I think what he is doing is relating it to Bilbo's stay in Rivendell, which is what he said to me.'

Now there is a hint of this somewhere in The Lord of the Rings... but apparently when Bilbo went to Rivendell he was surounded by Elves and all elven records for seventeen years. Here was living history and he attempted to write it down, and this is what became the Silmarillion.'

Edited transcript of remarks at the 1966 Tolkien Society of America Meeting, Niekas 19

And from Hammond and Scull's Chronology, November 1966:

'Tolkien tells him (Richard Plotz) that one of the snags delaying publication of The Silmarillion is its quasi-biblical style, which Tolkien considers 'his best, but his publishers disagree. Another problem is that of finding a story line to connect all the parts. At the moment, Professor Tolkien is considering making use of Bilbo again... perhaps The Silmarillion will appear as his research in Rivendell.'

I wish we had Tolkien's actual wording here -- I do not doubt Plotz, but I think the specific expression from JRRT himself might have been that much better to try and determine how 'new' the idea was, for example. One would think the notion had at least occurred to Tolkien in 1955 with the first edition, but then again we have Elfwine popping up in 1958, and then again (again) we have the Numenorean transmission popping up in 1958 too.


Does the Numenorean transmission necessarily preclude Elfwine?

The Bilbo element would seem to suggest this, as whatever Bilbo's translations were imagined to be in 1955, it appears that the information remained in Middle-earth in the Red Book of Westmarch, to be passed down through Sam's family (I forgot how to spell ancestors)...

... that is, instead of books of lore passing back to Eressea and awaiting Elfwine. Still, we might have different books passing down through the ages in different ways, and Elfwine provides the 'missing' linguistic link: that is, Elfwine easily explains how the documents, or certain documents anyway, ended up being rendered into Modern English, as he rendered them into Old English, which only need await a student of Old English. Like, say, someone named Tolkien.

But in my opinion so far, there is no real hint in the first edition or the second that 'Tolkien the translator' was working with Old English rather than Westron, and in my opinion his references to using Old English in translation (the names of the Rohirrim and so on) make this seem even less likely.

A somewhat closer look at first and second editions, with respect to Bilbo's work, coming in part two... if there is a part two.
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:30 pm

As always a thorough bit of work and enjoyable read Elthir.

I'd go- events of Silmarilion happen, various records of this time made by the elves and first complied by Elfwine, later various copies or extracts of this work found there way into Numeronean and elvish libraries. With only a complete record surviving at Rivendell where elves could add to the general lore in a way men could not, who just preserved what they had.
Then Bilbo spends 17 years in Rivendell immersing himself in these songs and stories and determines to set it down in Westron, he does so in to three books given to Frodo and passed onto the Gamgees.
These books are added too later with surviving lore from Gondor via Aragorn and from Rohan via Merry (who also adds his history of hobbits and of herb lore, as well as his treatise on common root words) and these are collectively considered 'definitive works' as they incorporate all the surviving material of men through the Numenoreon records combined with the living memory of the elves of Rivendell, and the extra hobbit stuff, so further copies are made to be preserved in Gondor.
From where eventually they survive in increasingly fragmented form down though history until falling into the hands of Tolkien as translator.

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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Eldorion Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:36 pm

Fascinating stuff, Elthir. Thanks for exploring the late Elfwine mentions in detail. study

Although really now we have three potential sources for The SIlmarillion: the Elfwine transmission, the Bilbo transmission, or the Numenorean (Findegil?) transmission. Or some combination of the above, I suppose.
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Eldorion Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:37 pm

Simulpost with Petty.

Pettytyrant101 wrote:I'd go- events of Silmarilion happen, various records of this time made by the elves and first complied by Elfwine, later various copies or extracts of this work found there way into Numeronean and elvish libraries.

Elfwine lived thousands of years after the Numenoreans, though. He was an Anglo-Saxon who somehow discovered Tol Eressea and heard the old legends from surviving Elves sometime in the first millennium AD.
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:44 pm

Who was the one in Book of Lost Tales then?

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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Forest Shepherd Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:25 pm

Easy question.
Elfwine is stronger. He's a full-grown Anglo-Saxon male while Bilbo is a little Hobbit.
Here to help!

"The earth was rushing past like a river or a sea below him. Trees and water, and green grass, hurried away beneath. A great roar of wild animals rose as they rushed over the Zoological Gardens, mixed with a chattering of monkeys and a screaming of birds; but it died away in a moment behind them. And now there was nothing but the roofs of houses, sweeping along like a great torrent of stones and rocks. Chimney-pots fell, and tiles flew from the roofs..."
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Eldorion Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:43 pm

Laughing That was also my first thought when I saw the thread title, Forest.

Pettytyrant101 wrote:Who was the one in Book of Lost Tales then?

Elfwine was the character from the framing device of the BoLT, but he lived long after the events described in the main stories.  He heard most of the tales from Pengolodh of Gondolin, an Elvish loremaster who had escaped the destruction of the city and eventually came to Tol Eressea long ago.
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:45 pm

Ah, long time since I read it, because he got the stories in Tol Eressea I put it back in the First Age somewhere in my head.

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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Elthir Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:42 pm

Forest Shepherd wrote:Easy question. Elfwine is stronger. He's a full-grown Anglo-Saxon male while Bilbo is a little Hobbit.
Here to help!

Heheh, so my title choice worked Very Happy

Thanks Petty and Eldo. And as I was working on part two while you folks were posting...

References (some) to Bilbo and his work:

First edition

In the runes and letters decorating the pages before the tale even begins we find that Tolkien is the translator, and in the original Foreword we even have mention, with reference to the maps: 'To complete it some maps are given, including one of the Shire that has been approved as reasonably correct by those Hobbits that still concern themselves with ancient history.'

Approved when? Did Tolkien have help from actual Hobbits (if you ask you don't really have to prove this statement is necessarily so)? Anyway, in Many Meetings Bilbo says that after reaching Rivendell he went on to Dale, and then came back to Rivendell again. And: 'I have done this and that. I have written some more of my book. And, of course, I make up a few songs.'

And at the Council of Elrond Bilbo says: 'I am very comfortable here, and getting on with my book. If you want to know, I am just writing an ending for it. I had thought of putting: and he lived happily ever afterwards to the end of his days.' And there is the suggestion that he thinks he will have to add several more chapters, considering the new information about the One, and that it still needs to be dealt with.

Then in The Ring Goes South he says: '... and bring back all the news you can, and any old songs and tales you can come by. I'll do my best to finish my book before you return. I should like to write the second book, if I am spared.'

One might guess -- at this point at least -- that the book is The Hobbit. That said Bilbo had arrived (Appendix B, first edition) and settled in Rivendell in TA 3002, and he is here talking to Frodo in 3018, or roughly 16 years later.

And in any case, in Many Partings, Bilbo: '... gave him some books of lore that he had made at various times, written in his spidery hand, and labelled on the red backs: Translations from the Elvish, by B. B.' And in The Grey Havens we have a big book with plain red leather covers, at the begining were many leaves in Bilbo's hand 'but most of it was writtten in Frodo's firm flowing script.' And chapter 80 was unfinished.

This appears to be both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings together -- or the memoirs of Bilbo and Frodo supplemented by the accounts of their friends and the learning of the wise -- 'Together with extracts from Books of Lore translated by Bilbo in Rivendell.'

And in Appendix A: 'Thus the Red Book contained many annals, genealogies, and traditions of the realms of the South and the North, derived through Bilbo from the books of lore in Rivendell; or through Frodo and Peregrin from the King himself, and from the records of Gondor that he opened to them: such as The Book of the Kings, The Book of the Stewards, and the Akallabeth (that is, The Downfall of Numenor). From Gimli no doubt is derived the information concerning the Dwarves of Moria (...) but through Meriadoc alone, it seems, were derived the tales of the House of Eorl (...). Some of the notes and tales, however, were plainly added by other hands at later dates, after the passing of King Elessar.'

I don't pretend that this includes every reference, but if I have missed something arguably important please add it to the thread!

If I haven't missed anything important here I'll just note that there doesn't really seem to be much in the way of describing these books of lore from Bilbo. The Silmarillion is referenced as a book in Appendix A, and some events that occur within it, but briefly enough and under section I 'Numenor'.

I think Bilbo's 'book' is The Hobbit, and although lore and translations from the Elvish suggest ancient information, Appendix A could still indicate that the lore had to do with annals, genealogies, and traditions of the realms of the South and North. In other words very old stuff, written (partially or largely) in Elvish (Quenya or Sindarin) but not necessarily the Silmarillion.

One could say, however, that Appendix A need not preclude Bilbo's lore extending into the First Age in any case, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that the information that these books of lore where almost entirely concerned with the Elder Days seems to come in in the second edition, in the added Note On The Shire Records.

second edition (1966)

'... Translations from the Elvish. These three volumes were found to be a work of great skill and learning in which, between 1403 and 1418, he had used all the sources available to him in Rivendell, both living and written. But since they were little used by Frodo, being almost entirely concerned with the Elder Days, no more is said of them here.'

Note on the Shire Records

One could quibble with the term 'Elder Days' maybe, but Appendix B explains (both editions): 'In the Fourth Age the earlier ages were often called the Elder Days; but that name was properly given only to the days before the casting out of Morgoth. The histories of that time are not recorded here.'

And in any case we have another mention of the First Age in Appendix A: 'The ancient legends of the First Age, in which Bilbo's chief interest lay, are very briefly referred to, since they concern the ancestry of Elrond and the Numenorean kings and chieftains.'

I found this quite interesting. Tolkien revised this start to Appendix A, removing some things to the Note on the Shire Records, but he also added this bit about Bilbo's chief interest -- thus in the second edition, Tolkien seems to confirm that Bilbo was working with First Age lore.

Thanks to Eldorion for inspiring this thread, as this little gem from Appendix A alone was worth it! Again unless there's something from the first edition that I missed... that would make this not as 'surprising'!

Anyway, perhaps in 1955 Bilbo's books of lore were not Quenta Silmarillion? That's my main wondering here.

The Elfwine conceit is firmly in place in the early 1950s in any case, after the story proper of The Lord of the Rings was 'finished'; and again, the Elfwine transmission was seemingly still possible in 1958 even. Was it only in the 1960s that Bilbo's 'three' books became translations of First Age material -- Quenta Silmarillion and the Great Tales, and other works?

Or at least... more 'certainly' so Wink
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Pettytyrant101 Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:05 pm

Bilbo's personal interests do seem to tend towards the older stuff. In Rivendell he is working on a song about Earendel.

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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Elthir Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:55 pm

True Petty! It's interesting that Tolkien chose Errantry for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and invented an internal relationship with it to Bilbo's poem in Rivendell.

'In origin a 'nonsense rhyme', it is in the Rivendell version found transformed and applied, somewhat incongruously, to the High-elvish and Numenorean legends of Earendil. Probably because Bilbo invented its metrical devices and was proud of them. They do not appear in other pieces in the Red Book. The older form, here given, must belong to the early days after Bilbo's return from his journey. Though the influence of Elvish traditions is seen, they are not seriously treated, and the names used (Derrilyn, Thellamie, Belmarie, Aerie) are mere inventions in the Elvish style, and are not in fact Elvish at all.'

Anyway, this falls right in with Bilbo telling Frodo that he makes up a few songs -- even if this one has the cheek to be about Earendil!

And it certainly fits right in line with what Tolkien added later about Bilbo's chief interest. And I note 'High-elvish and Numenorean legends' here, also published in the 1960s.
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Eldorion Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:02 am

A master class even by your standards, Elthir! Very Happy Thanks for taking the time to go through the First Edition (which I don't have a copy of) to find a (possible) answer to my question about Elfwine's appearances in the Later Silmarillion.  It's fascinating that the references to Bilbo's work being specifically about the First Age were only added in the Second Edition.  In the absence of any other evidence, I think that's a fairly conclusive argument that Tolkien was undecided about the manner of transmission in the '50s, but that he more or less made up his mind in the '60s (insofar as anything about the Silm can be called conclusive Razz).
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Elthir Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:02 pm

Thanks Eldo. Unless there's something to poke a hole in this balloon, I like the way you summed it up too. I've often wondered 'why Elfwine in 1958' (or sometimes: do falling apples fall up in Australia)... and now I think I might be closer, at least, to an answer than I was before... although as you note...

... sometimes we can only go so far Nod
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Eldorion Thu May 19, 2016 1:54 am

I referred to this thread in another topic recently (think it was the Tolkien scholarship one), but I've continued to give thought to similar topics and I tried to express some of them in another essay for my blog. I cited your posts on here in it, Elthir, just using the pseudonym since I don't know of any other way. Figured I'd give you a heads up about that but your PMs are off. Smile


too long:
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Elthir Thu May 19, 2016 1:59 pm

Hmm... you're right Eldo, my PM was off... I didn't realize it! Anyway, nice work as always... and I hope my information/implication holds up under scrutiny.

I noticed you give the history of Pengolodh. I hope this isn't annoying but once again Tolkien seems to have changed-his-mind/forgot-and-changed-his-mind-anyway... or something...

Short version: (quoting brother Galin):

It [the name] appears explained as 'teaching sage' in Tolkien's Words, Phrases, and Passages (at least), and in Sindarin it was said: 'Goloð was used of any sage or loremaster. A teacher of lore was pengoloð. KWEN- (whence kwenedé) 'speak with rational words'. Also the name Pengoloð (with respect to the Thingódhel question) is well attested in late writings 'Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings' (c. 1968).

And his history is a bit different from that found in the earlier Quendi and Eldar (itself fairly certainly dated around 1959 - 1960) -- he is an Exile rather, according to Author's note 3 to Eldarinwe Leperi are Notessi, and as the Vinyar Tengwar editors also note, he would then have no Sindarin blood.

Long version: the section is in Vinyar Tengwar 48: Eldarin Hands, Fingers & Numerals and Related Writings - Part Two; Text II: Synopsis of Pengoloð's Eldarinwe Leperi are Notessi. The passage reads:

§4 The following account is an abbrevation of a curious document, preserved in the archives of Gondor by strange chance (or by many such chances) from the Elder Days, but in a copy apparently made in Númenor not long before its downfall: probably by or at the orders of Elendil himself, when selecting such records as he could hope to store for the journey to Middle-earth. This one no doubt owed its selection and its copying, first to Elendil's own love of the Eldarin tongues and of the works of the loremasters who wrote about their history; but also to the unusual contents of this disquisition in Quenya: Eldarinwe Leperi are Notessi: The Elvish Fingers and Numerals. It is attributed by the copyist, to Pengoloð (or Quendingoldo) of Gondolin (Authors Note 3), and he describes the Elvish play-names of the fingers as used by and taught to children. ...

Authors Note 3: Reputed to be the greatest of the Lambeñgolmor (linguistic loremasters) before the end of the Elder Days, both by talent and opportunity, since he himself had known Quenya (Vanyarin and Noldorin) and Telerin and preserved in a memory remarkable even among the Eldar the works (especially on etymology) of the earlier loremasters (including Feanor); but also had as an Exile been able to learn Sindarin in its varieties, and Nandorin, and had some acquaintance with Khuzdûl in its archaic form as used in the habitations of the Dwarves in Ered Lindon (Editors Note 25).

Editors Note 25: An earlier and more detailed biographical sketch of Pengoloð appears in Quendi and Eldar (XI:396-97), which describes him as "an Elf of mixed Sindarin and Ñoldorin ancestry, born in Nevrast who lived in Gondolin from its foundation", and who after the fall of Gondolin "collected much material among the survivors of the wars at Sirion's Mouth concerning languages and gesture-systems with which, owing to the isolation of Gondolin, he had not before had any direct acquaintance". He is said to have remained in Middle-earth well into the Second Age to further his studies, dwelling for a time among the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, but he sailed to Eressëa "when the shadow of Sauron fell upon Eriador".

The account of Pengoloð in ELN differs from this in some points. ELN states that Pengoloð was an Exile, meaning that he was born in Valinor instead of Nevrast and had no Sindarin blood. Also, in ELN Pengoloð is said to have learned something of Khuzdûl "in its archaic form as used in the habitations of the Dwarves in Ered Lindon" (i.e., in Nogrod and Belegost), whereas Quendi and Eldar states that Pengoloð gained his knowledge of Khuzdûl from the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm in the Second Age.

So once again a jool unearthed in VT seems to rock the boat a little. This text post-dates the Quendi and Eldar account, but obviously it's up to you what weight you want to give it, and so on.

Or maybe you already weighed it and went with Q&E? In any case, nice work, as I say. I just hope that Galin guy was paying enough attention! He's handsome but not the brightest bulb (he told me to say that!).
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by Eldorion Thu May 19, 2016 2:49 pm

Thanks as always for your kind words and especially your information, Elthir! I am, alas, not a Vinyar Tengwar subscriber and despite having done a fair bit of reading on this subject lately I hadn't come across that reference before. Embarassed I was indeed going off "Quendi and Eldar" for the biographical sketch of Pengolodh.

I'm particularly interested by the reference to the document's preservation in Númenor. I've been trying to assemble a case for interpreting "The Silmarillion" through the lens of later Middle-earth transmissions (leading up to the Red Book, as opposed to Aelfwine and the Golden Book) on a variety of fronts. Another late document where Tolkien made explicit changes to the framing device, albeit not to one of the major texts of "The Silmarillion".

I was pretty sure even before checking that Aelfwine had not been mentioned in any known text later than the early 1960s, but I tried to confirm that by utilizing Doug Kane's chart in Arda Reconstructed of source texts for "The Silmarillion arranged by date and the indexes of the last three volumes of HoMe. I was unable to find any post-1965 reference, so I felt comfortable making that statement in the essay, but now I've got my fingers crossed that there's nothing in PE or VT that disproves me, although this reference seems to be moving away from the Aelfwine conception too. Laughing
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Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo? Empty Re: Who is stronger, Elfwine or Bilbo?

Post by RA Mon Jun 27, 2016 6:01 am

Interesting topic

Forest Shepherd wrote:Easy question.
Elfwine is stronger. He's a full-grown Anglo-Saxon male while Bilbo is a little Hobbit.
Here to help!

Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one though....
I need to read more of the Lost Tales, and maybe a readthrough of the trilogy again. It's been some time.

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