Thunder in the Hills

Mrs Figg
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Thunder in the Hills Empty Thunder in the Hills

Post by Mrs Figg Fri May 10, 2013 2:17 pm

It was a warm and muggy day, birds sang in the azure sky, but there was a heavy watchful tension in the air. A storm was coming. Over to the West a brooding rack of black clouds came speeding and rolling, they came from the Sea, had marshalled themselves ready to fall on the land with a fury and a roaring.
A cool breeze began to blow, first softly then gathering force, the birds fell silent and the sky went dark.
In the distance lightening stabbed down and Thunder rent the silence.
From the Mountain a vast dark shape issued into the coming storm, its wings beat mightily sending creatures scurrying into their burrows with fear. Birds fell fainting from the sky.
The Dragon was come.

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Mrs Figg
Mrs Figg
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Thunder in the Hills Empty Re: Thunder in the Hills

Post by Pettytyrant101 Fri May 10, 2013 2:48 pm

Oooh- is there more? Dont tease Mrs Figg!

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Thunder in the Hills Empty Re: Thunder in the Hills

Post by Mrs Figg Fri May 10, 2013 4:30 pm

I crouched with my back to a pine tree in the forest, the pine needles making a fragrant matting under my feet, the air smelt damp and resinous. Over my head the branches swayed wildly, but under the heavy canopy all was still, through a small break through the Leaves I could see the sky was growing darker and glowering with rolling storm clouds. A few drops of rain spattered on my upturned face.
A flash of light illuminated the world in crystal clarity, I imagined strange creatures creeping up on me in the sudden dark that followed. I could almost catch sight of them whisking behind the trees when I looked in their direction. The gloaming was shattered by crashing Thunder. The ground shook, the storm resounded and echoed off the heights with deep booming voices.
Mrs Figg
Mrs Figg
Eel Wrangler from Bree

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Thunder in the Hills Empty Re: Thunder in the Hills

Post by azriel Fri May 10, 2013 6:24 pm

cheers Yay ! A story ! Very Happy Great start Mrs Figg, Im getting excited & wanting more !

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Thunder in the Hills Empty Re: Thunder in the Hills

Post by Mrs Figg Fri May 10, 2013 7:48 pm

I knew I shouldnt be sitting hunkered down under a tree in a storm, but this was a tightly knit forest, no open spaces just rank upon rank of marching trees. My flesh crawled and prickled, I felt I was being watched by hundreds of invisible eyes. I pushed my way into a thick brace of gently rustling ferns and peeped out looking for movement, I didnt want to be caught alone unawares. I was glad I was wearing my green woollen coat, perfect camouflage.
Then my heart hammered as I spotted movement out of the corner of my eye, something was moving steadily in my direction, hardly daring to move a muscle I waited for it to approach.
Mrs Figg
Mrs Figg
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Thunder in the Hills Empty Re: Thunder in the Hills

Post by Eldorion Fri May 10, 2013 7:59 pm

I'm glad to see another of your stories, Mrs Figg! study
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Thunder in the Hills Empty Re: Thunder in the Hills

Post by CC12 35 Sun May 12, 2013 1:36 am

why have u used the infamous man in suit smilieie

it's not that serious Caroline
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Thunder in the Hills Empty Re: Thunder in the Hills

Post by Orwell Tue May 21, 2013 9:15 am

What? Is that it, Mrs Figg? Shocked I want more... Mad

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